Website Two. Warnings!

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On the same day of me venturing out into I decided to visit Teenink as well.


This website's magazine depends on its user. I think that's a great idea. However, the problem I found with this website was that when you submit to the website, from then on, the work you submitted is theirs.

Now if that didn't makes sense to you let me put it this way. You lose your own rights and it becomes theirs. Luckily. I only posted one. That poem was "Band Trip" from Venture. It was a poem I wrote back in seventh grade that I don't have much care for.

In conclusion, this website isn't one my 'go to' list. I'd steer away from any websites that take away your rights and take your money.

Let me bold that.

Two Lessons off this post.

Never submit to a company or website that wants your money

-Exception: Entry fees. That doesn't count.

Keep your rights. They're yours!


May 5th, 2014

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