Stress From Noel Espinoza

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From: Noel

To: DJ

All this publishing and editing along with school is getting to you isn't it? Why not take some of the advice that your interviews have been giving you including you own? Do you realize how much truth and open statements are in you writing? Did you even give a second thought that you're a deep thinker?

Just take the interview questions you wrote for the seniors. How do you feel about graduation? What are you going to miss here at Lake View? What are you going to do after High School? What do you want to be remembered as at Lake View? And What motivated you to get through High School?

You answered the questions yourself in this laptop somewhere but think about how everybody reacted when you interviewed them. They had to pause right? For you, these were questions that you could think about in a heartbeat and answer within a breath but for them, some of them hadn't thought about a future or what was going to happen next.

You're an amazing person. Did you know? You created me, my world, my thoughts, and not just me, the people I interact with. It's funny that you base me off of someone in your reality but that's perfectly normal. What was her name again? Naomi Valentino? As for my name it's Noel Espinoza.

You restricted me by giving me an eating habit as a vegan. I don't mind it but it shows diversity and that you care about what you and what your characters eat. You are what you eat after all right? Since you're allergic to dairy and glutton you gave Sin those restrictions as well. Lucky, at The Parber we have different types of bread ones that she can eat as well

My point here is you speak of a lot of truths in your writings without giving it a second thought. Pause for a moment, become the reader, and take it what you're saying. In life you do the same thing. You say your thoughts without a precaution. You admit things you don't think matter to other people but apparently make a huge difference.

Take the time when you went to the Boston Brass Clinic. You made a comment that you don't know if you're completely all there. Physically, you were. Mentally, you might have been, but in all reality were you really there? Mr. Laduke. Had to pause for a moment to think about what you had said.

Going into your interviews for examples. In the girl's interview you asked what quote she would leave in the yearbook. She said, "Don't let what other people say get to you." So look at the quote and apply it to yourself. I know you have a hug problem with this. Even if I'm not the character that has that problem I know which one does and that they shouldn't let what other people say get to them.

That being said. The college representative from TSCT (Texas State Technical College) said the same thing to you as well. All you really do is stress yourself out DJ and not only do I know that. All the characters know it. So don't sweat it.

Just think about it. Or not since you tend to overthink things. But you've reached out to so many people with your wisdom and creativity. Why not try and reach out to yourself? I know that the poetry book you're writing has that soul purpose but when was the last time you read through it?

As a writer you write but sometimes writers need to become a reader of their own work on some day and decipher their words. Don't you think? Isn't that how you improve? You can't be a writer without a reader. Whether you read on your own time or only when you write you still read.

I laughed when you went to go check on the previous letter. You found it to be from Angelo and about stress. And now here I am about Stress. Stress and Encouragement. I don't want to lose you. You've came this far. You've fought so hard. You've written this much and we've had quite an adventure together. Don't quit now. I still need you. We, the characters of Countered Reputation and your other stories, still need you.

Oct 29, 2013


July 10, 2019

Funny how I wrote the most through this character's perspective since I have talked to this person the least. Stress has always been in an issue for me. I'm doing better now about controlling it but I still cause myself unnecessary stress.

Fun Fact: Originally, I wanted to write this character based on the personality of the person they looked like. But, they turned out to be more of an extension of myself. In the current one, this character is based more on how I think an analyze situations. They think logically before they act while the other character, Sinoako, is more about thinking emotionally. 

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