P: Other's Stories

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Little acts of kindness scatter throughout my timeline.

More than once have I been told, about my impressions on others.

They remember our meeting so clearly.

How I made it a point to make sure they were included.

As a young child I lived by the golden rule.

Treat others as you wish to be treated.

In my eyes back then I didn't want to be excluded.

So when someone new arrived, I'd always tried to include them.

If someone was quiet, I'd try to get to know them.

I learned very quickly that these people were the most observant.

They weren't attention seeking but didn't necessarily want to be alone.

These people had the most interesting stories.

The most beautiful souls.

Their friendship was also true.

To this day I still hear stories and hopeful, the stories will continue.



Inspired by 'Paper Airplanes' written by Daninfinity22. Written in 'To All My Stars'. 

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