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  I have to say, I love my journalism/yearbook teacher. She's the best. By far. Her contacts are amazing. Today I asked her how I thought about talking with Standard Times (the newspaper company here in town) and how I wanted to get a job with them. Honestly, I'd love to be an editor but to be a freelance writer? That'd be the best! She said with the skills that I have I could probably do sales as well. So, some time this week or next week I'll be heading over there to speak with them about a job. That way, I can get my work publish and also practice.

Since I started taking this publishing business seriously I've been intimidated. I realize that I have talent but now I have to be professional all the way around. I have the connections, I have the talent, now all I need is to look nice. Through the newspaper I plan to publish when they accept my work. This means, I need to be on the look out for unique, which isn't hard, but unique and put my skills to the test.

I can self publish all day but when another company publishes for me? That'll be the day! And that. Is what I want. I'm going to be reading this article that I came across about poetry tips. When I find a company who is willing to work with me then I'll publish this book in professional terms. I'll be able to assist people publish on their own! At first, I thought self publishing was the answer. But, I have a friend who looks after my work and can't look after all of it she always finds something or another that's a typo or an error. I'm thankful to her.

At first, I published right after I wrote it so that I don't change anything. Now, I have nothing to fear. After all, my first work "Venture" has the most reads and has the most errors.

According to this article the first step in publishing is knowing what category your work falls under. Mine obviously is poetry in this case but in other cases I fall under different genres. I have short stories, mystery and adventures on the way.

The rest of the information I've already talked about. All I am doing is going down the sources that has given me. has helped me figure out what I should do. Now if I wasn't this far in the book already this would be helpful but it's not anymore. They give the magazines you can subscribe to and what they can do for you. This is a good recourse page but it won't get you published through them.


May 15, 2014

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