P: An Emerald Gem

18 1 0

Born with emerald green eyes

At dusk, did heir first breath pass 

Eyes, a precious gem in the Autumn dance 

Alive, they were in lovers arms 

Only to come so far

The day came and went 

Falling fast 

Not enough to do all but at last 

The day came, when the eyes charmed and behold 

A love that last years was sold 

Imagined almost... had time slipped away

With tears in the partners eyes, 

did they say, 

the last vows

'Forever to be'

Gems of emerald

A lasting memory 


"Chained" - Still Waters - RickTaylor18

This was in response to something. I don't know if this is the right poem that I wrote it from but I didn't label in on paper so we'll go with it. 

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