P: Awaiting

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You'd be surprised how we come 

How far will we go?

Tragedies seem to make one's life move in slowmo 

But once you've picked yourself up 

With the help of who is there 

They'll tell you 

With silence, that a smile can only bar 

Catastrophe infecting 

The rest of you life

Courtesy, you try to deny

But there's more 

Do you realize

In the morning 

When the sun lights in the early 

How many days light up for the nights 

And then the stars 

Covered by the street lights

Mysteries, would one like to seek?

Take the hand of history 

Let the anitdote of time heal thee

Along with an extra dose of encouragement, happiness, and positive friendships awaiting.


Response To

A Promise I'll Not Break by UghNames

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