Bored From Adam (Espinoza)

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From: Adam

To: Jay

Finally! It's my turn and I get to write to you! I'm so excited. I know you're bored right now but you have no idea how erratic I am to tell you about my thoughts on the story so far. I haven't read the volumes. Right after we finish acting I kind of just... Blah. Haha I don't ever feel like doing anything. But anyways! I love the story. Noel told me what happens after we went to sleep. Apparently, what happened between me and his parents didn't click. Haha. He laughed about the fact that I was trying to speak Spanish. He completely overlooked the fact that me and his parents talked.

Anyway! I hear that you named one of the volumes over me. I feel all special now. Are you going to describe how the second realm is? I can't wait until you do that! I can't wait until I act it out anyway. It'll be Awesome. Oh and I wanted to call you Jay because I wanted to be different. Is that alright with you? I know that some of your friends call you Jay so that's why I wanted to call you that. Because we're friends. Right? Yea! Friends! That sounds good.

I can't wait to learn about my childhood. I heard that you're working on my childhood right now. I don't know if that's true though. I wish you would write back to me so that I could have a response. I also would like to know more bout AJ. She's pretty mysterious if you ask me. You haven't really talked bout her. Is she next? Oh wait. That's right. The books is about me and Noel right now. I want to learn about the others. What I find even more hilarious is that there had only been one day through the whole book that I know of. I'm supposed to be asleep so I don't know what you're planning out. Hold on... Am I going to act out the younger me? Hey Jay? In the next excerpt can I do something random? I thought that would be really cool do figure out something to do. I mean. It'll probably not be relevant to the story and what not but that would be cool. I feel like it would be awesome if I wrote part of the script during that time. It won't ruin the story. I promise. Haha. Well, you're lunch time is over. You should get back into character. See you later Jay. be happy alright?

March 22, 2013


July 9, 2019

Whoa. Ouch. Looking back at this shows me how I thought when I was younger and I am happy that six years has changed my writing style.

Fun Fact: Adam Espinoza's character is now named Nebula Constantine and instead of the parents finding out that their children switched lives they end up raising Nebula as Neil without knowing. 

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