Relation Importance To James&Sinoak

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To: James & Sinoak

From: Danieljames Domar

James, Sinoak... It's hard from me to explain now but you two won't be together forever. Or at least. In reality that's how it works. I may not write it that way. Now I know what you're thinking. What? Are you kidding? James, I'm sorry but Sinoak is going to do something so irrational that you will want to forgive her but you won't be able to. And Sinoak? I'm sorry. I'm sorry because in reality I'm the one who screwed up. And you... You and I are one. That being said. I'm writing to both of you.

The relationship that you two are is parallel to the relationship between me and Lilly. This is a relationship between a Scorpio and an Aries. You two don't look into the Zodiacs of my world as much but this basically means you two are the strongest yet weakest relationship. I did this unintentionally. In reality I didn't mean to.

Lilly's birthday came up. I wrote her a letter on my account and later told her about it. To a point, I didn't want her to read it. I didn't expect her to. There was a bit of doubt in my heart that she would take the time to read it. Thankfully, the letter wasn't long but it was meaningful. It explained that she was my everything and still is. I meant every word. I know what you're thinking. "You're going out with Boni!" Yes. I know.

However, the relationship between Lilly and myself is one that I still have yet to understand, In person I can't find worth in my life. Before, it was no big deal but this feeling... It surges through me. I panic, I get nervous, I want to cry... The thing is, when she enters the room I feel excited. Look! It's Lilly! But at the same time I'm like: Oh no... Hide me. Why? I don't have the slightest clue but I have that running away feeling that just send the adrenaline through me.

I shouldn't be that way because I want to see, I want to run up to her, I want to smile and show her how much I care, but I just become so stupid and I forget every human part of me possible except the part that loves her and the part that can't stand knowing that I hurt her. Maybe that's it. I want to run because I'm nervous. She's the only one I'm nervous around. By god I might get lucky and she may say yes to me to go to prom but who knows.

She's a mystery. This is where you come in James. I made your character exactly like hers. So what? You two are different genders. That gives a slight leeway? Not really. It's the personality that counts and that's all that matters. You're such a strong character and one that has to work behind the scenes. You're there to protect her just as Lily was there to protect me. She will not notice how much you do for until she loses you or loses herself. I'm still deciding.

Lily helped me find myself. Through her and through losing her so either way for Sinoak will work. Since there is war in your world I'm think that she just might do both in a way but also more one than the other. I'd write it different from reality but I'm thinking that even if I do rewrite it there will be no difference in the result.

In reality I was the one to break down. Go figure. James, you have the stronger emotions. Sin, I'm sorry. I made you like me. You're really strong though. In the long run no physical power can hurt you. However, the emotional power that people have over you like Noel and James? Even Angelo. They can affect you. And affect you hard. So much to the point where you will make decision based just off of them.

It sucks. There are times where you want to be selfish and you want to focus in on you in order to find who you are but sadly they come first. They always have. They always will. In the adventure of you looking for your true self and your history you will look in the wrong places at times but they will lead you to a bigger understanding.

Like I was saying though, read the letter and she hasn't texted me back but I just hope that she realizes that she means that much to me. I edited right before she read it. I could erased it. But, it's a part of history—my history that I will never forget. In the long James, I might make you make a decision that you're not going to like but it'll be for the best and you know why.

She answered. Huzzah? I'll end this letter here. I don't want to give too many details as it might hurt you and might make think otherwise when I hand you your next script.

Nov 27, 2013


July 10, 2019

Whoa whoa. Prom? Man, okay. So I did ask her to prom and she did say yes but then she stood me up. I showed up to her place and she told me that she wasn't going, that she couldn't go. I had bought tickets for both prom and the band banquet. There's a lot in here that I can discuss but to sum up the relationship between me and Lilly today is a mutual one.

Little did I know, this was the last letter I wrote in this book.

Fun Fact: James is not a character in the current version at the moment. I want to add a character based off of Lilly but I'm not going to do so until I finish the first book.

In the current version, Sinoako is not in a relationship. I decided to take the romance out and focus on the problems at hand.

If I were to add a character based off of Lilly I'm thinking that this character could be a soldier that follows orders. I'm thinking to pin him against Nebula (Neil) and when he fights Neil he'll realize that this version of justice that he's been fighting for is corrupted and he begins to get confused as to what side he is on and why there are sides at all. Anyway, I have plans for this character, but they're not written yet. 

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