Silas' jaw clicked, obvious irritated spreading across his face. "If you're done making fun of my brother and I then explain to us why you've called everyone here already."

"Alright, alright! Gracious, lighten up! Maybe I'll throw a stick next time, wouldn't that be fun, Arien? It'll get you going," Vasili teased with a slight giggle. Arien snarled, but then he turned away.

Mirren sneered, "So? The fuck are we doing here?"

Vasili grinned, although his eyes lowered down to Niven, who unconsciously moved back in discomfort. The blond glanced at him and flushed, not liking the way Vasili kept staring at him, trying to look through him.

"I've been informed by the headmaster how it's nearly the end of the month," Vasili began, eyes still trained on Niven. "I'm sure you dogs know what that means."

"First of all, don't ever associate me with that mutt over there," Mirren blurted out, pointing at Arien. The alpha stayed quiet, though his ears were pulled back, almost warning the brunet not to go any further.

Niven shoved his elbow into Mirren's ribcage. "Don't call him that... he's not a mutt," he whispered. He said it low enough just for Mirren to listen to, but with how advanced the sense of hearing is for beastmen, Arien quickly caught onto it. His wolf ears twitched again.

"Yes, well, whatever." Their professor rolled his eyes. "Anyways, it's already been two months since Niven first came, right? My, how time passes by. But that's not the point. Last time, none of you took your monthly tests since you all were running about in the academy and your alpha being gone half of the time due to Ludos and the Royals. The headmaster sent me a message to make sure you four get your tests done today in this building."

"Not the arena?" Silas questioned.

"The arena is being reconstructed just a little bit for the Royals' return."

That got Niven's attention rather quickly. "T-The Royals are coming?" He hasn't seen them ever since he's stepped forth in this academy.

Vasili's grin turned malicious. "Yes... how unfortunate."

"Let's just get this over with," Mirren grumbled, removing his arm from Niven's waist. "Who's up first? Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumber?"

Agustine flinched. Silas spat, "I beg your pardon?"

"W-Wait, what tests are you guys talking about?" Niven hurriedly asked. "I didn't know we were taking a quiz."

Arien shook his head in response. "It's not that kind of test, puppy."

"It's... not?"

"Nope!" Vasili slung his arm over the blond's shoulder, grinning widely from ear to ear with a sparkle in his eyes. "I'll explain to you in a just a moment, dearest. We're starting from the bottom of the chain to the top! Mirren, head out in the middle with Silas! Hurry now, I've already planned out the rest of my days with naps and I'm begging you all not to ruin my small chance of happiness!"

"I'll make it quick, baby," Mirren promised before taking off his jacket and headed off to the middle of the room. Niven gave a worriedly look over to the males, earning a half-hearted shrug from Silas as the dark haired student did the same as Mirren.

Quickly, Vasili tapped the cane on the floor. The classroom warped itself, changed the layer and the walls and forced itself to expand. The seats disappeared and the layout transformed into an arena similar to the one inside the academy. Though everyone was still inside and sat just far away with a glass-like barrier in front of them as a means of protection.

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