Chapter forty nine - Ideal plan.

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I stood there in the now much warmer atmosphere, looking at Sherlock as he sat on his armchair with a look of what I can only describe as annoyance and bitterness. Mycroft was speaking and explaining the whole situation of how he got into contact with their brother but other than that it was silent. Mycroft's voice cut through the air sharply, and I think everyone just wanted him to be quiet for a few moments so we could take in what just happened.

As if he read my mind, Mycroft finished his sentence and exhaled, miffed that Sherlock wasn't paying attention. He slowly walks over to John's old armchair and takes a seat, leaving me awkwardly standing by Harrison. I tug on the sleeve of the shirt I was wearing bunglingly to cover my cold hands, turning to glance at Harrison for a moment and then back to the two other older brothers sitting on the armchairs.

"Uh, tea anyone?"

"No, we're quite alright, thank you." Mycroft cinched, sending me a small, polite smile. 

"You know what? I'd love a cuppa!" Harrison gave me a playful smile, and I fiddled with my fingers while letting out an awkward chuckle, mumbling an 'okay' before trailing off towards the kitchen. I switched the kettle on and grabbed one mug out off the cupboard, quickly filling it with the essential stuff it needed.

"Listen, brother, I know we haven't spoken in a long time, but I think it's about time we put the past behind us where it belongs, don't you agree?" Harrison starts, digging his hands into his pockets and walking positively across the room, sitting down on the sofa and bringing his one leg over the other. He reaches over to the coffee table and picks up a magazine, opening it and flicking threw a pages with interest, "I heard you had a problematic issue, some sticky gum stuck to your shiny, deluxe shoes. I can help you remove it, if you wish?"

"I don't need help. I have it sorted."

"Oh, of course you do. That's why Batman and Robin are still out there plotting plans to kill those who are dear to you." Harrison furrowed his eyebrows at him, seeing right through his brother. I hear the irritating noise of the kettle going off, indicating that it had finished boiling. I picked the kettle of and poured the hot liquid into the mug, simultaneously staring at the three brothers as they had their discussion.

"Why did you bring him here?" Sherlock questioned Mycroft, who just sighed in an aggravated tone. 

"I told you we should have got in contact with him before, but you were too busy acting like a child and forgetting your current problem with Moriarty so I decided to call him so he could help assist you." Mycroft responded, repeating his reasons again.

"I don't need no one assisting me, thank you very much. Good bye, Harrison, Mycroft. This truly was an amazing family meeting." Sherlock swiftly stood up and approached the door, opening it and pointing his hand outside of the door to show them that they had to leave. Mycroft sighs tiredly and rolls his eyes.

"Just once can we have a civil conversation?"

"Never gonna happen."

I pick the warm mug up in my hands after applying milk and removing the teabag, trailing over towards Harrison. I look at Sherlock when I walk past him, giving him a look. "Sit down, will you? Listen to what they have to say." I tell him, handing Harrison the cup of tea.

"Thank you darlin'." He gives me another big smile and chucks the magazine back on the table, carefully taking the cup of tea from my grip and taking a sip.

"You should listen to your girlfriend, Sherlock." Mycroft say's, agreeing with what I said and then averted his eyes to look at me, "And, maybe you should put some clothes on..."

I look down bashfully and realise that I was still just in my underwear and one of Sherlock's shirts. I let out another awkward laugh and begin to walk towards my room.

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