Chapter twenty six - Protection.

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**Sherlock's POV**

I pull the collars of my coat up as I walk into Scotland's Yard, John following behind me. Mary had stayed to look after Holland, her injuries weren't too bad so she didn't need to go to the hospital, but Mary had insisted that, because she was a nurse, she would look after her. I think Mary's definition of 'looking after her' varies from mine, as she came to our flat with ice cream and DVD's. How will that make Holland's pain and bruises go away? 

But nonetheless, Holland smiled and laughed at Mary. People confuse me so much. If I was beaten to a pulp then I sure as hell wouldn't want to eat ice cream or watch movies.

Me and John walk into Lestrade's office, catching him off guard. He was eating a sugary doughnut, and once he see's us he put's it down and rubs his hand's together to get the sugar off.

"Alright boys?" He ask's, still chewing the remains of his doughnut.

"I have a situation, the predator tried to kill Holland last night."

His eyes widens, and he look's at me and John in confusion, "What?"

"She's okay," John starts, "She doesn't remember anything, we think she was drugged."

Lestrade ran his hand through his hair and sighed. “Are you sure?”

I nod, “Yes, positive. I need you to assign some sort of security on her but it has to be secretive. Only your most trusted, since she's still alive he could come back to kill her in order to save his identity. I think from how he’s been dumping the bodies that he could possibly a worker with the city… quite possibly a police officer. He is very aware of patrols and city cameras. He has inside information on most surveillance that occurs in the areas he has been.”

“Oh god. Are you honestly saying it could be one of our own?” Lestrade said, agitated at the thought. 

“Yes,” I reply, "So, someone needs to be with Holland while I do more investigating. Mary can't stay with here as she has Amelia and the same for John- plus he's helping me on his case. I need you to assign your two most trusted police officers to watch our flat. If we keep an eye on her, we could possibly catch him.”

Lestrade nods, knowing what he needed to do and picks up his office phone, "I'll tell Donovan and Erin to go-"

"What? No!"

Lestrade stops typing the phone number in, and John look's at me, furrowing his eyebrows as if telling me to stop. Lestrade hold's the phone in his hand, looking between me and John.

"What? Is this about that cat fight you had with Erin the other day?" Lestrade questions, "Grow a pair, will ya? He's not going to do anything to you. I trust him to keep Holland safe and that's all that matters."

I grit my teeth, trying to calm my anger. I wasn't afraid that he would do anything to me, I was afraid he would try to do something to Holland. He could mess with her mind, show her that's he's a better man than me.

I haven't done anything to deserve Holland, and it's not like I'm a good boyfriend to her. But I just couldn't lose her.

I couldn't lose the only woman that loved me for who i was.

But I trusted Holland would stay loyal to our relationship, and then I nod my head, "Fine."

AN: By the way, any Captain America fans out there? I've posted a bucky barnes story and I'm really confident about it, check it out if you can:) Thanks!

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