Chapter twenty nine - Caught.

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I stare at the wall, frozen in place, scared to turn around. I didn't feel scared to fight for my life for the fact he might kill me, but I was scared to face him. I was so angry. I thought he was my friend, but it seemed that recently I couldn't trust no one.

"I thought It was cats?" I reply, turning my face to look at him. I sighed when I did, because now I knew it was him I couldn't look at him the same again. I once saw this sweet gentlemen, and now all I see is a drained, senseless man.

"Probably both can see Ghosts," He shrugs and smiles at me, "Either way that's what I am. A ghost. No one could see me on CCTV, no one I knew thought it was me, no one caught me in the act of killing someone. Accept for when I tried to kill you."

"And why did you try to kill me?" I ask calmly. He sends me another sinister smile.

"Someone told me too."

I furrow my eyebrows at him, "Someone told you too?"

"Yeah, I mean, at first they approached me. Telling me they knew about my past with women. You see, I tried to change and become a good man, but then he offered me to do what I loved without getting caught, and he paid me to do it as well. Someone finally understood me." He tells me, and picks up an apple from the kitchen counter and fiddles with it in his hand, "He wanted you dead specifically."


 He takes a loud, crunchy bite of it, then chews and swallows it before putting the apple back on the counter, "Ah, I think I've said to much. Sherlock will be back soon so let's get this over and done with."

I frown, and look at the man in front of my with sympathy, "Erin..." I started in a low whisper, but I never finished my sentence as I didn't know what to say. Why did he have to be like this. Why did he have to turn out like this?

"I'm just being myself. If you were a guy then we could have been great friends, considering I have an obsession with killing women."

"Charming," I mutter, then roll my eyes and stand up, "Fine. Go ahead, you wouldn't be the first to try and kill me."

He laughs and nods, "I'm impressed you out lived them."

"Well, I'm not that bad at self defense." I try to distract him while I texted Sherlock on my phone behind my back. I was really crap at texting with out looking but luckily enough Sherlock had tried to teach me one boring afternoon. I finished the text that should had read '221B NOW. PREDATOR HERE.' and then silently chucked my phone back on the sofa that I was stood In front off.

"Honestly, I don't know how to start," He chuckles slightly, "Shall I make the first move or are you going too?"

I give him a 'what the hell' look and sigh deeply, already bored, and then I take a step forward. He does the same until were both standing in front of each other.

"Wheres the other police officer?"

"Knocked out cold, he didn't see me do it, so I'll just say the killer got inside."

"And Mrs Hudson?"

"I put the same drug in my tea and gave it her, telling her she gave me the wrong tea so we swapped. She should have drank it by now."

"Cool, alright. Just the two of us then."

"Just the two of us." He repeats. It's silent, and we both stare at each other, waiting for a sudden movement. I wait for him to make a move. To throw a punch, to kick, anything. Because I was ready. I still felt sore and like a corpse but I was so angry with him, I literally felt like ripping his spine out from his back. 

After a few seconds he finally decided to throw a punch at me. I blocked it straight away and then kneed him in his groin, causing him to lean forward in pain. I took the opportunity to elbow him behind his head, which caused him to fall fully on the floor. 

He grabbed my foot, tugging me until I fell onto the floor too. I went to stand up but his hands find there way onto my neck first and he helped himself up on top of me so he could look me in my eyes while he strangled me. I grabbed his hands, trying to remove them but they were too strong. I then tried to put my arms between his arms and then opened them like that. I tried to force them appart, to which he let go for a second and then I quickly head butted him. He jerked back and held his noise in pain and I stood up, my noise and neck aching terribly. I cough, trying to catch my breath, and then kick him while he was still on the floor.

By now he had blood on his face from his noise and lip. I smirked, and decided to kick him again in his stomach. Theres a noise behind me but I don't stop, I carry on kicking him until I feel a pair of strong arms pull me away.

I snap my attention away from Erin and turn around to see John holding me back. I then look back at Erin and saw Bill holding him still while Sherlock put some handcuffs on him. I close my eyes and sigh, turning around to face John again.

"I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Are you okay?" He asks worriedly, looking at my neck. It probably had some hand marks on there. I gave him a small, tired smile. 

"I'm fine."

"Scotland's Yard is on there way, I called them ten minutes ago so they should be here any minute now." Sherlock states. 

"Uh, Sherlock," I mumbled, telling him to come by me so I could tell him and John something. He does so and I glance at Erin, who was smirking at me. I turn away and face Sherlock and John, "He told me someone paid him to do this."

"To kill you?" John questions, shocked. 

"To kill any girl, but whoever told him this wanted me dead specifically." There's a loud bang, and we snap our heads towards the door to see police men with guns running up, and then Lestrade, "Also, Mrs Hudson has been drugged. You've probably seen the other police guy knocked out downstairs."

"Erin?!" Lestrade looks at him in disbelief. His jaw had dropped and he didn't know what to say.

"We need to question him," Sherlock tells Lestrade, "We'll drop by Scotland's Yard tomorrow."

Lestrade nods, still looking at Erin. Erin just smiles at us all and Lestrade sighs, not believing this was happening. "Take him away." Lestrade orders, then police men drag him out off our living room door and out the flat. Sherlock and Lestrade have a small conversation, and then Lestrade offers me any medical help to which I refuse and tell them I have John. About half an hour later they leave and Paparazzi have already made their way outside our flat, waiting for us to leave and talk to them.

"I think I'm going to pass and seeing them," I say, rubbing my sore neck, "You guys go ahead."

"Eh, I think I'll pass too."

"What?" John looks at Sherlock, surprised, "You're going to pass and getting the credit for catching this guy?"

"Well, technically we wouldn't have caught him if it wasn't for Holland. And they will be there tomorrow when we come out of Scotland's Yard, I'm sure they can wait a day." Sherlock reply's, taking his coat off and hanging it up. His eye's fall onto my neck, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just hurts a little." I respond. Sherlock nods, and then looks at John.

"You're the doctor."

"I am," John agrees, turning to help me, "Sit over there and I'll fetch the first aid kit."

I nod and sit on the couch, doing as instructed. 

Lets Play A Game - Sherlock Fanfiction [Sequel to IBIY]Where stories live. Discover now