Chapter seventeen - Little chats.

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I didn't mention anything to Sherlock about Moriarty after that day. I told John about what happened, but he just told me to give him some time. The security men outside gave us a lift home from Roberts house, then Sherlock went straight into his room. He emerged two hours later and was in his pajamas.

He stayed on his laptop for the next two days. I wasn't sure what he was doing that got him so interested in his computer screen all of a sudden but I was pretty sure It had something to do with Moriarty.

I left Bill, Sherlock and Chester in the flat while I went to speedy's below. Mycroft had sent me a text message telling me he would like a word. I agreed, of course, and put my converses on, along with my coat and walked to the small cafe Speedy's.

I saw him sitting down by a table for two. I pulled a chair out and sat opposite him, looking at the two cups of coffee that were on the table for him and me, "Generous of you."

"Quite." He replies, putting his phone in his pocket and looking up at me, he sticks a hand out, "I believe we've never introduced our self properly."

"Holly." I shake his hand, "You already know my name though, Mr. Holmes."

"Indeed I do. And please, call me Mycroft."

I nod and remove my hand from his.

"So, Holly," He starts, actually using the name I prefer, "I was wondering what you relationship with Sherlock is."

I let out a chuckle of disbelief, "You wanted to talk to me about mine and Sherlock's relationship?"

"You are aware of the fact that he is incapable of a normal relationship, right? My men have sent me reports back of the two of you holding hands, something my brother has never done before over the age of ten. I'm curious, are you together?"

I pause and think. Technically we are, but It's complicated I guess, "Yes."

"And you are aware he doesn't have relationships? Married to his work, I believe his words are. He could be manipulating you and some ways, and I would like to know what for. Are you apart of any work that could be involved to Moriarty? Know any information or anyone-"

"Are you under the impression that your brother is incapable of being in love? That he has to be using me in some way, because he could never get a girl without using her? Is it possible that you don't know your own brother?" I pause again, and sigh, trying to calm down, "I will never understand him completely myself but he is human and is capable of having feelings for someone. To answer your questions no, I do not have a job, I do not know anymore than Sherlock does about the whole situation and I do not know anyone that could be involved with him. I think If you want to know about why your brother is dating someone as ordinary as me then you should speak to him because I have absolutely no idea."

I let out a long breath after my rant, and stare at my cup of coffee that Mycroft brought before taking a sip. Ugh, I hated coffee.

It's silent for a minute or so while Mycroft studies me in a questionable manner. "I'm sorry if I offended you, Holly, I just wanted to know some answers. I can see why he would show some interest in you, from what I heard your deductions were great when finding that child abductor. However, I didn't just come here to lecture you about my brother, I came to give you both this," He pulls out a thin brown file and places it on the table before pushing it towards me. I open it and take a look while he describes whats going on, "Seems there is a killer who in invisible. This man has taken advantage of and murdered five woman in the last month while also managing to kidnap them in public places without getting caught on camera. This is too much of a small crime for the CSI to be in involved but I do believe Scotland's Yard could do with more help. We don't want more dead women, do we?"

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