Chapter eleven - Chester.

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"What is that?"

Me and John look down at the dog, thinking about what to say. We knew Sherlock wouldn't want to have a dog running around the place, but John couldn't have him since he's expecting a child very soon and I didn't want him going into the pound. 

Me and John looked up to face Sherlock again, who was still staring. We stayed quiet, unsure on what to say. Johns mouth opened to say something but closed, so I decided to break the awful silence and say something.

"Uh, happy birthday!" I smile happily, pointing both of my hands to the dog to indicate that he was Sherlock's birthday present. The dog just sat there with a cast around his paw, wagging his tail happily and bobbing its pinky-red tong out his mouth.

"It's not my birthday." Sherlock replies, and John lets out a sigh. Well what was I supposed to say? Sherlock was going to moan and kick the dog out one way or another, and I didn't want him to do that.

I take a step closer and let out an awkward chuckle, then hit his shoulder playfully, "Yet."

He continues to stare, then turns around and walks back to his work, "I want it gone."

"Sherlock..." John begins, "He's got nowhere to go."

"Put it back to where you found it."

"Come on, Chester has done nothing to you."

"Oh, you've named it?"

"Please." I cut in, "He's broke his leg, I promise to find him a home after he's better."

Sherlock groans in annoyance. I smile slightly, I think that convinced him. I then hear a door open and close, and I look up towards the bathroom door to see Billy walking out. John seem's confused, and I'm just annoyed, "What's he doing here?"

"He's my dog." Sherlock mocks. Billy stares at him in disbelief.


Sherlock shrugs, then faces me, "If you want to keep the dog here, then I get to have Bill over. Bill can walk the mutt anyway."

"So we can keep him?"

"Just until he's better."

"That's good then," John starts, "I better get going to Mary then, I was meant to see her two hours ago."

"Right, sorry." I apologize for keeping him late, "I can take it from here now anyway."

He smile's and hugs me, then turns towards Sherlock and points a firm finger at him, "Behave."

Sherlock rolls his eyes, "Im not a child."

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." John comments, then turns around to leave. I go to the kitchen and grab a bowl, filling it with ham from the fridge. I was excited about having Chester around, I haven't had a dog in ages. And I knew Sherlock loved dogs anyway.

I place the bowl of ham on the floor for Chester to eat, then once Chester started to happily eat his food I walk over to Sherlock, ignoring the fact that Billy was sitting on our couch watching TV. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck and give him a peck on the lips, "Thank you."

He smiles, but was still irritated by Chester being here. "I heard about you finding out who Joe Summers really was."

"Eh, it was nothing."

"No, it was...clever. I thought you wasn't capable at doing something like that without me. Im, uh, sorry for doubting you. Well done."

I raise my eyebrow, "Thanks? Honestly, I couldn't of done it without you."

"I helped out a bit."

"You helped out a lot." I correct him, "Thank you." 

Lets Play A Game - Sherlock Fanfiction [Sequel to IBIY]Where stories live. Discover now