28:The Trap.

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Hey guys! I am back with another chapter. Thank u so much for supporting me.
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After a few days...

Sanskaar came out of his latest limited edition Mercedes. He entered a huge building along with his Manager,Mr.Patel. He was looking ravishing in his Armani Dark Grey Suit.

Today was a major day for all the companies. It was the presentation day for achieving the Central Government Project regarding the construction for a Hydro-electric Power Plant in Kolkata. All the companies were participating in it as it can give great profit as well as fame to the winning Industry.

Sanskaar sat on his assigned chair with his Manager beside him. The CEO'S of other companies were present in the huge Conference hall as well.

Then entered Yashraj Singhania with a smirk on his nasty face. Sanskaar glanced at him once and then ignored him. This cold war was witnessed by many. All were aware about the heated competition between Karma's and Singhania Industries.

Soon the meeting started and every Company was giving it's presentation. Yashraj Singhania completed his presentation and smirked. Everybody was quite impressed with his ideas. Yashraj gave a mocking look to Sanskaar while he kept a neutral face.

Finally it was turn for Sanskaar's presentation. He got up and gave his presentation wisely. Explaining all the points and ideas properly. The design for infrastructure plus the amount required surprised everyone. It was almost impossible to think of such idea in so less amount. Where other companies were putting the starting rate around 500 crores whereas Karma's were taking a maximum 300 crores.

Yashraj was hell shocked.
"How could this be possible? I myself checked all the details of his presentation. How did he managed to withdraw a complete different presentation in a few hours"thought Yashraj trying to stress his stupid mind.

"The results will be informed after the break of an hour. We would like to discuss a few points. U all wait in the Waiting hall. Thank you!" Announcement was made.

All left to the waiting hall. Sanskaar sat on of the empty couch. Mr.Patel too took a seat beside him.

Sanskaar was drinking water when his sight fell on a furious yet confused Yashraj. He got up from his seat and moved towards him.

San:Hello Mr.Singhania nice to see u again! (Yashraj gave him a death glare) Oh god! This much of fury. Come on Mr.Singhania be a good sport. U should have been habitual of this. It's been years u are loosing from me. Oh,now I understood! U must be confused right? How come I changed my presentation? What do u think? U will try to bribe my employees and take out information about my presentation! Na! The first step in business,always keep trusted employees. My employees are not unfaithful to me Yashraj. They are a family to me. It would be better if u stay in ur limits. I can easily remove u from the business association and trust me,no one would deny but still.. I am leaving u. I hope u learn to be in ur limits soon,Mr.Yashraj Singhania.

Yashraj was just glaring him with blood shot eyes. He was burning like a volcano ready to erupt any minute. Sanskaar left not before giving a threatening glare to Yashraj.

"All the presentations were good but the top 3 were Karma's,Singhania's and Mehta Industries. But only one will get the contract. We feel that Singhania Industries have a good plan but the amount is way too much. While,if Karma's is offering excellent infrastructure in less amount we are more than happy to sign the deal. The contract goes to Karma Industries and Co."

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