The visitor

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Jimin let out a huff of annoyance when his driver opened the door for him to reveal the dull grey looking building of Arkham Asylum, Jimin's most hated place in the entire world. But upon hearing that his ex boyfriend Taehyung has been imprisoned made him drop everything to rush to his rescue.

Because he just knew that Taehyung was innocent of whatever crime he was framed to have done. Jimin knew Taehyung better than anyone else and even though he was keeping secrets from the pretty male, it was for his best. And for the protection of the city.

"There you are Jimin, we were worried you wouldn't come", one of the men who have called him here said, it read 'Jung Hoseok' on his name tag and Jimin nodded his head curtly when he saw his friend. Not exactly friend but Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi were spies of Batman to report any worrying news in the most dangerous prison of the city so Jimin could quickly jump into action.

And hearing of an innocent boy being imprisoned for literally no reason made Jimin jump to his feet and run. Especially when the new prisoner was Taehyung, the one his heart was still beating for.

"Of course I'd come, not with what you told me. Where is he and how could this happen?", Jimin asked worried, this time looking like a sophisticated wealthy man instead of him being Batman, he didn't want to cause a complete breakdown in the prison when he would come there as Batman.

Lucky for him, his two spies didn't know he was Batman and simply thought of him as a supporter of the bat and sold him information he received from the two prison guards.

"We tried convincing the boss that this cannot be, the kid didn't violate the prison grounds nor did he harm the prisoners, this lil' puppy can't even hurt a fly, but still... he won't budge, saying that the kid has to sit", Hoseok informed Jimin who already hurried inside, Alfred hot on his tail. "Why is the director doing this?", Jimin asked, fumbling with his suit jacket nervously.

"Dunno... but Yoongi's been searching for the kid and once he finds him, he will tell you. Do you wanna see the director first or the kid?", Hoseok asked Jimin who didn't have to think twice about his answer. "The kid- Taehyung of course", Jimin said and Hoseok threw him a glance from the side.

"Didn't know he's still your first priority... y'know, after what happened...", Hoseok's voice trailed off at the end and Jimin bit back a scoff.

'You have no idea.'


Taehyung struggled weakly against Jungkook's lips, feeling tears welling in his eyes from humiliation and absolute terror because holy he not only was in prison but sitting on the lap of the most dangerous inmate who held his brother at gun point if Taehyung didn't obey him.

"Hm, you taste absolutely divine", Jungkook grumbled against Taehyung's lips, feeling the sweet boy struggle weakly when his inked hands made their way down to Taehyung's peachy ass, fingers curling into the plump flesh to pull him close until their stomachs met.

And certain other body parts.

But that was forgotten when Jungkook took in the state of the smaller, all teary eyes, plump lips red, swollen and abused which caused a primal growl to leave Jungkook's lips by the sight. "Look at you, my pretty little lamb", he growled out, pressing the wide eyed little puppy closer.

"You make it hard for me to not devour you right on the spot", the Joker breathed out heavily, nosing along Taehyung's throat who could barely suppress the pathetic whine leaving him. Here he was, rubbing himself silently against the man who hurt so many and who was currently hurting his brother.

"I d-did what you wanted, now let my brother go", Taehyung forced out with a choked whine when he felt a hot tongue lapping on his throat like a dog, the Joker not really minding anything besides marking his Pretty.

Midnight Madness | KV ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें