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Jungkook had brought Taehyung into his private quarters, dropping Taehyung onto the bed before hovering over him, a possessive hand already claiming Taehyung's thigh and bringing one leg up to wrap it around his own waist. The Joker had cooed at the sight of his Pretty's puppy eyes, his other hand occupied with catching the grey-haired's flailing hands.

Taehyung was cuffed to the metal headboard before he could react, protesting loudly and convulsing beneath Jungkook's muscular body. The taller man had been so amused with the adorable antics of his pretty lamb, keeping him down easily with a single hand. Tattooed fingers curling around Taehyung's throat in a threatening way, causing the beautiful little angel beneath to whimper a scared threat that had caused Jungkook to smirk lazily before he had leaned down.

"I have to take care of my empire now, Pretty. So you'll stay here and wait for me until I come back. Had to make sure you stay where you belong", the Joker had purred, licking over Taehyung's cheek with a filthy grin on his face, excitement making him press himself into the softness of Taehyung's curves one last times before he released his trembling prey.

"No one will hear you scream, so don't even try to escape, pretty pretty boy. Or I'll have to hunt you down", Jungkook had purred, eyes scanning over the beauty's lithe body and Taehyung mustered up all the courage he had left to glare at the terrifying man.

"Fuck you", he had spat. Jungkook had only laughed, one hand on his crotch and had thrown him one last kiss before leaving, slamming the door shut and locking it loudly.


Taehyung rattled on the handcuffs, a stressed laugh escaping him when he felt them sink into the soft flesh of his wrists. Jeongguk would be back soon and Taehyung was convinced his return wouldn't end pretty for him.

He had to escape before it was too late, he didn't plan on staying. This was not how it should be, how could it end this way? He was arrested because the Joker took interest in him, someone he never wanted to attract because his attention was deadly.

Taehyung wanted his normal life back but now he was an escaped prisoner with no one to turn to, except one. Taehyung had to find Jimin, his last chance on having a normal life.

Another helpless giggle of despair escaped him when he felt the metal bending beneath his fingers. He pressed the chain of the handcuffs harder against the metal, flinching from the louder sounds and Taehyung quickly glanced at the door to check for footsteps getting closer. When he couldn't hear any, he began to apply pressure on the metal rods building the headboard of the bed.

The material bent further when Taehyung leaned into the cuffs with his entire weight, feeling the metal dig into his skin until the damaged skin broke. But the metal rods also sprung out of their sockets, making Taehyung gasp before he quickly scrambled upwards and unhooked the handcuffs.

First part done, now he needed to find something to unlock the handcuffs with. The Joker had to keep a knife somewhere, he wasn't a psycho for nothing, Taehyung hoped.

His hopes were rewarded when he found a door partly open and when he pushed against the wood with both hands, the Joker's personal weapon room was revealed. "Ah yes, the room where he goes to laugh", Taehyung mumbled sarcastically, quickly grabbing a small knife and pushing the sharp end into the hole for the key.

Tongue peaking out of his mouth, Taehyung finally unlocked the handcuffs and threw them away before he grabbed another knife and a gun, hoping not to use them but it was better to have some self defense.

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