Memory of the past

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Taehyung turned, gasping for air surprised when he was hugged tightly, crashed against Jimin's muscular body and he shakily wrapped his arms around the other male. Alfred got out of the car too, quietly talking to the stranger who had helped Taehyung so kindly.

As soon as he was gone, Jimin embraced the trembling male tighter, Taehyung bursting into tears. "Jiminie... I was so terrified! The Joker is so scary!", he whimpered, allowing himself to release the tears he had been holding back. Crying for himself and the ruined future.

"Come inside, where I can protect you. Oh Tae, I'm so glad you're alright. Did he hurt you? Do you have any injuries?", Jimin asked, helping Taehyung into the car while he was investigating Taehyung for any injuries. After receiving the information from Alfred that Taehyung had called, that he escaped, Jimin immediately left to rescue the for sure so scared boy.

Jimin's eyes then fell on Taehyung's neck, having reached out to wrap the blanket he took for Taehyung around him. The pretty boy's neck was ravished. It looked incredibly painful, all the hickeys and love bites messily splattered over Taehyung's neck, worse than Jimin ever did. The thought alone that this was the work of another man and far worse, the Joker, caused Jimin to rage.

 "Tae, good lord, what's that on your neck? Fucking bastard, he hurt you!", he exclaimed, fingers feathery moving over Taehyung's neck. Surprisingly, the beauty flinched back with a whimper, pressing a hand over his neck and avoiding eye contact with Jimin.

"H-he... he hurt me unknowingly. He's insane Jiminie, but he didn't make the impression that he wants to harm me", Taehyung whispered, not even knowing why he was trying to sympathize with the Joker and even defend him. Yet he held the impression, that Jungkook had wanted him for different purposes. Sexual... ones. 

"I have a different impression. Fuck Tae, that monster ravaged your poor neck, it's all red and purple!", Jimin exclaimed, trying to take another look at Taehyung's neck but the other flinched backwards, pleading Jimin with his eyes to leave it be. Unaware that Jimin held the power to destroy the one who did this to him.

"It'll heal... but Jiminie, where's my brother? Where's Minho Hyung? I-is he okay?", Taehyung decided to change the topic, turning back to the window and watching the world blur behind it. Taking him away further from the Joker and finally allowing Taehyung to breathe.

"There was nothing I could do for him, Tae, I'm so sorry... he's still a prisoner in Arkham. After the Joker escaped with you, the prisoners were temporarily moved to another prison facility. Arkham is nearly completely destroyed and the reconstruction is taking a while."

Taehyung gulped down the tears of frustration, not being able to return the heated gaze Jimin held for him, trying to ignore the flutters in his chest. No. He had to focus on getting away from the Joker first, still hoping Jungkook wouldn't come for him, hoping the Joker would be bored and decided it was not worth the fight. Taehyung was not worth the fight.

Then why did he feel like crying by this thought?

"D-do you know which prison he was sent to?", Taehyung needed to get rid of these crazy, scary thoughts, trembling in his spot because he was confused. Why was he sad? Why was he feeling angry by the thought of Jungkook losing interest? The man was batshit crazy! He was the Joker, a wanted criminal! For god's sake, he imprisoned Taehyung to be with him! Nothing was normal about this man!

Yet he had been the only one so eager to stay with Taehyung, no matter what... he had made Taehyung feel wanted, the giddy excitement of someone chasing after him, a handsome man desiring him...

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