Hello, big brother

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Please interact with the chapters. I don't know how many times I've said this in my writing career. It's exhausting and I don't understand it. My account is a safe space I don't allow anyone to get bullied or harassed. That I completely understand as a reason to skip commenting. But other...

I don't want to seem greedy or fame hungry or whatever, if you see me as that then im sorry you feel that way, this was not my intention, I don't ask for likes or reads, I ask for you to give me feedback, because I'm a insanely self critical person and even though "Yeah, you say you write for yourself or not for fame why do you ask for comments", it's simple: it's so motivating and I love to interact with you, have fun reading your comments and seeing the same enjoyment I'm feeling when I'm writing. Whenever I lash out about it, it's mainly because I'm frustrated, I don't intend to be rude.

So yeah, please continue to comment, I don't want my motivation to drop, I only want to receive little comments because then I feel like you're enjoying the chapters too.

Thank you for sticking around, and hopefully understanding my point of view, I purple you<3


Jungkook finally revealed his long time plan to Taehyung. And that was to take down the entirety of the city's prisoners. It had been a long plan of his, to erase any competition for the crown as worst criminal.

Now, Jungkook had another important reason to wish for the prisoners to pay for their cruel deeds: and that was Kim Minho. At first, Jungkook had wanted to kill off the entire prison inmates for being nuisances but slowly, it turned far more personal than he had first planned.

He only wanted to have fun but then, some inmates dared to pick fights with him. These idiots thought they could go against him, the Joker, how laughable. And then, Jungkook had met the horrible nuisance called Minho, kept him alive for the purpose of using him as bait, only to find out his inhumane actions towards his brother.

No no no, it was time to make Minho and all these nasty prisoners pay. And Jungkook wanted to involve Taehyung. Give him the chance to make Minho regret for ever laying a hand on him.

Now, Taehyung stood beside Jungkook, gnawing on his bottom lip as he stared at the plans splattered all across the large office desk, feeling at least six pairs of eyes on him but to him, they felt like a million.

Taehyung was incredibly nervous because this was it, his chance to not only prove himself but also his chance for revenge. He had anticipated it, yes, yet somehow the upcoming confrontation suddenly felt way too close, way too in reach. Suddenly, all of Taehyung's plans felt terrifying.

As if he sensed it, Jungkook bent his head to look at his dearest Darling boy, excitement making his eyes shimmer. But upon seeing the frown on Taehyung's face, as well as the lip caught between pearly white teeth, the Joker frowned as well.

"Pretty little lamb, what's bothering your mind?", he asked. Taehyung looked up, bottom lip still caught between his teeth and he looked so freaking adorable that the dark-haired maniac needed all his willpower to not grab his lover and return them back to their shared bedroom to do unholy things.

"I don't know... I feel scared because I'm so close to my revenge", Taehyung confessed honestly, gorgeous brown eyes blinking up to Jungkook, big puppy eyes showcasing his fear. It wasn't like Taehyung wanted to back out, no.

"I'm afraid... who will I be without vengeance?" There was worry and insecurity in the silver-haired's voice, sounding so tiny and unsure of himself that the Joker's rotten heart clenched. To ease his lover's conflicts, Jungkook swiftly bent forward to scoop his lover up in his arms, Taehyung gasping lowly in surprise.

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