Purple Bruises

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Please interact with the chapters. I don't know how many times I've said this in my writing career. It's exhausting and I don't understand it. My account is a safe space I don't allow anyone to get bullied or harassed. That I completely understand as a reason to skip commenting. But other...

I don't want to seem greedy or fame hungry or whatever, if you see me as that then im sorry you feel that way, this was not my intention, I don't ask for likes or reads, I ask for you to give me feedback, because I'm a insanely self critical person and even though "Yeah, you say you write for yourself or not for fame why do you ask for comments", it's simple: it's so motivating and I love to interact with you, have fun reading your comments and seeing the same enjoyment I'm feeling when I'm writing. Whenever I lash out about it, it's mainly because I'm frustrated, I don't intend to be rude.

So yeah, please continue to comment, I don't want my motivation to drop, I only want to receive little comments because then I feel like you're enjoying the chapters too.

Thank you for sticking around, and hopefully understanding my point of view, I purple you<3


"I'll give you two options, little darling. First, you free him and I won't come after your unfortunately way too gorgeous ass and you wreak havoc on your own", Jungkook started, dark eyes fixed on Taehyung. The smaller couldn't identify the glint in the Joker's eyes. But being alone, without Jungkook seemed like such a dull option now. Taehyung was in way too deep already.

"Or second, you, pretty pretty pretty boy, shoot your ex-boyfriend! You can shoot him anywhere, I don't care, but when you do, you will become mine and there's no turning back."

Jungkook pouted falsely for the effect. Jimin protested but he choked on his own blood partly clogging his throat and he coughed loudly while the Joker shortly beamed down to him before his predatory eyes fixed themselves on Taehyung again. Taehyung who was frozen in his spot, staring at the man he used to love and at the man he might love.

"Once you decide for the second option, you cannot run from me. Or I have to hunt you down and impale you on my cock", the Joker giggled, opening his arms widely and letting go of Jimin.

Jimin stared at Taehyung, a silent question in his eyes. Taehyung had to look away as it felt like Jimin had taken all the air to breathe. He couldn't trust the tied up man anymore. Jimin had lied to him about everything, about why they broke up. Still, was that enough reason for Taehyung to shoot Jimin?

"So, what's your choice? Choose choose choose! The Joker's an impatient man!"

Taehyung looked down at the gun, his fingers pale against the black steel. He dared to lift his head, facing Jimin. Jimin who looked so betrayed, it broke Taehyung's heart. There was no turning back for him anyways, he realized. Jungkook had given him an option but deep down, Taehyung knew there was nothing left.

He had already destroyed his chance for a normal life by sleeping in the Joker's bed. By wishing to escape his fucked up life and killing the two people who brought him into this world. His own brother had erased that chance for a normal life and that slim glimpse he had gotten, had been a lie. It had been fake. Taehyung had been fake.

Jimin wouldn't take him back. If he were to know the truth about Taehyung he would hunt him too. Because Taehyung... he wasn't innocent. He killed two people. And he wanted to do it again. He wanted to make Minho pay.

He was fucked up too, he wasn't Jimin's innocent Sweetheart. He never was. The boy Jimin believed to love had never existed.

And Taehyung knew damn well Jimin wouldn't love him at his worst. But Jungkook did. And for that, Taehyung's decision was set.

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