30. Jealousy

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Before you start reading this, I want to mention that I FRICKIN' ADORE IU!!
All right now...
Let's go!


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Hana's pov

I feel so good in bed I don't want to get off of it. I don't want to start a new day. I don't want to see her around me.
I felt Felix's arm around my waist, then I remembered about my panic attack from last night. How I chickened out and quickly came in here.

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned the moment I did. It was sunny outside and I bet it's hot as hell too. This is the last day of summer.
I don't know about other cities but in here, the last day of summer always has been hot.

I am sitting here, facing a sleeping Felix.
He's cute.
His nose is so perfect, his freckles are so beautiful, his lips are so plump and kissable. I giggled a bit trying not to wake him up because of his parted lips and soft snores.
I cuddled him.
I burried my face into his chest and I felt him getting closer to me if that was possible.
I want to stay here all day. Here nothing can hurt me.
Isn't it the same thing I thought about Jungkook?

I remember when I was in his arms and I was thinking about Sehun.
Tch! Look at me now...
I guess no matter what happens in your life you always end up hurt. So  maybe I should just stop thinking that people around me are meant to be forever.
I felt Felix moving a bit.
Aaaah no, no! Hold me in your arms! It's cozy...
He let go of me and streched his body. I looked up at him to see if he wakes up.
Heheh he's face is cute and his hair is really messy.
He opened one eye, scrunching his nose and lifted his head from the pillow. When he saw me staring at him, he smiled and layed his head back while closing his eyes.
He came back closer and wrapped me in his arms again. His face was in the crook of my neck.

-" Good morning, Lix!"
I felt his lips curve up in a smile.

Felix- "Good morning, Hana!"
I started to play with his hair. His soft messy hair brushing through my fingers.

Felix-" Hnnn that feels so good. Let's stay like this a bit more."

-" I wasn't going to let go. It is silence and comfy. Strange silence actually..."

Felix- "Yes. A bit weird. Maybe they have a mission or something."

-" I hope so. I don't wanna get off of here. "
He chuckled.
None of us was moving. We just enjoyed the silence from this morning. Usualy there is always some noise downstaris or someone waking people up. But this morning was really calm.

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