20. Lost Control

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I'm manifesting my apology through multiple updates.
I love you all!
Let's go!

 I love you all! Let's go! ~~~

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Hongjoong's pov

I woke up scared by the sound of the metal doors of this room being opened. I looked over to Hana's spot. She didn't even moved.
She was still covered in blood from yesterday but something wasn't right. There was too much blood on the floor.

Lisa- "Good morning, agent, Hana!"
She didn't responded.

Lisa- "Aish! This girl. She never wakes up easly you know?"
She said annoyed.

My eyes are following Lisa's actions.
What is she going to do?

Lisa- "Bring that bucket of water. I guess she got used to be woke up like this."
She instructed her men.

- "Isn't she out? She lost a lot of blood."
I said a bit worried.

Lisa- "Did someone asked you something, agent?"

I clenched my jaw and held my mouth shut.

One guy brought a bucket of water and he threw it on Hana. Some drops splashed me too. The water was ice cold.
I widened my eyes.
She didn't even move.

Lisa- "Yo! Wake up sleepyhead!"

Lisa went closer to her and slapped her few times but nothing.
- "She lost too much blood."

Stupid bitch!
(a/n: I'm the biggest fan of Lisa and each member of Blackpink. Don't hate me! I needed a sexy and badass girl.)

Lisa- "If she's acting and I let her go we're all dead."
She said.

- "She didn't moved from last night."
I said back staring at her, trying to negociate.

Lisa- "What makes you think I will believe you?"
I raised my shoulders.

-" I don't know but I am worried and I want you to see what's wrong with her."

Lisa- "Well I have to. My dad will kill me if she dies. My job is to get informations out of her. So here I am. No informations from her and now she's passed out or whatever..."
She paused.
I smirked when I heard Hana didn't tell her anything.

Lisa- "Okay. With the risk for her to escape, release her. I'm calling Rose to check on her."
Two men came closer to Hana. They were letting her go.
Is this your plan of getting out? Cuz you are good actor, Hana.

Lisa and I were looking at her almost not breathing. I was hoping she is acting and she was about to attack them. Lisa was hoping she is passed out.
But my hopes were crashed when I saw her face. Her nose bleeded too and she was paler than yesterday.
When they carried her out of the room she was like a puppet.
I was a bit dissapointed but I was scared for her.
Even if she is a part of a gang and I wanted her in prison, she was my colleague in our academy days. I still care for her.

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