10. Afraid

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Hana's pov

I woke up this morning around 7 a.m. because of my phone.
Jungkook insisted to come with me but I told him to stay in bed until he recovers.
Of course he didn't let me go alone even if Suho was the one who called.
He told me to go to the police station to tell me something that involves my brother.
So here I am with...

Jimin-" Why is your brother like this? I mean he was born like that or does he take pills to be like that?"
I looked at him before parking the car and I chuckled at his words.

- "I think he was born like this."
I stopped the engine and I kept smiling.

Jimin- "So... Why aren't you like him?"
I looked at him.

-" Let's just say we had different childhood."
We got off of the car.

Jimin- "I like what kind of person your childhood made."
He said walking beside me.

- "Really? I mean...am I okay?"
I asked him.

Jimin- "Yes! With some limits of course. We all are killers at some point. That's our job. But considering the fact that we only kill the bad guys..."
He held the door for me.

I smiled.

- "Then we are a fine gang aren't we?"
I smirked.

Jimin- "We are the best gang!"
We were giggling while entering the police station.

Suho- "Oh, great! You're here! Hello! Hello, Jimin!"
He flushed us a smile.

Jimin- "Hello!"
They both smiled at each other. They both get along pretty good.

Chanyeol-" Few more times and your gang will be a part of the police. Hello to both of you!"
He shook hands with Jimin and gave me a smile.
We saluted him and the three of us followed Suho in a room.

Suho-" Sorry to call you so early in the morning!"
He said walking in front of us.

-" It's fine. How can I help? "

There was a big room with a round table in the middle of it. Around the table was the entire Suho's team that dealt with the gangs. They all had computers and files in front of them.
I noticed Xiumin, the guy we saved.

-" Hello, guys! "

Jimin-" Hey, everyone!"
Sehun rolled his eyes when he saw me and Jimin.

Sehun- "Why do you keep bringing your gang members around?"
We joined them at the big table. I looked at him.

- "Because I have a crazy relative and I am sure your ass won't be there to help me if something happens."
I responded trying to control any outburst that might show up.
He clenched his jaw.

Dead Weight [BTS Gang AU] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat