3. Worries

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3rd pov

Mina-" Why is Hana not answering my texts anymore?"
She said, struggling to get off of the bed. She still has a broken leg and her ribs are still recovering.

Yoongi- "Baby, let me help you."
He helped her stand in a sitting position.

Mina- "Thank you, Yoongs! "
She smiled to her lover.

Yoongi- "And about your dear friend, Hana. She is having some problems with her brother."
He said sitting at the edge of their bed, watching her.

Mina- "Ugh... He is sick. Hana always had to put up with his shit. I hope she will be fine."
She said, trusting her friend Hana. Because she knows Hana will always take care of her brother's problems.

Yoongi's lips turned in a thin line and his face expression became serious.

Mina-" She will be fine. Stop worrying about her. She is a fighter."
She saw Yoongi sulking and pressed her hands over his shoulders trying to catch his eyes with her own.
Yoongi smiled to his girlfriend and placed a kiss on top of her head.

Yoongi- "Come on. Let's get you downstairs for dinner."
Instead of letting her grab her crutches, he picked her up bridal style.

Mina- "Babe! I'm heavy."
She protested in vain, then giggled.

Yoongi-" You're not, my angel. Let's go! The boys are waiting for us."
Mina kissed his cheek and he looked down at her, smiling.

Mina- "I love you so much!"
She said resting her temple on his shoulder.

Yoongi-" I love you, too!"
He said smiling.

She is so small in his arms even though Yoongi is one of the shortest guys among the others from the BTS gang.

Mina- "It's so weird you are all home. Don't we have missions?"
She heard the boys eating in the dinning room.

Yoongi- "We took a little break. We were all scared of losing you."
He half lied. The real reason was that they are afraid of the police waiting for their next wrong move. So they took some days off. But now if Hana saved their asses, their break will be over.

Mina-" I was scared too. Thank you for saving me. You guys really are the best gang. And I am sorry for making you break the gang rule."
Mina said, aware of the big mistake that her boyfriend did.

Yoongi- "I rather have some collateral victims than losing you."
He said looking forward not showing any emotion.

They headed downstairs where the boys were setting themselves at the table.

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