5. Friends

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Warning: !! [some hot content ahead] - smutish hehe

Warning: !! [some hot content ahead] - smutish hehe

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Taehyung's pov

I went upstairs. I was a bit sorry for making Hana wait for me but the boys kept talking and I couldn't just leave.

I hope she's not upset.

I opened the door like a child who broke his mother's favorite vase.
I looked over to the bed only to find her alseep.
I smiled to myself and I made my way next to her.

She is so small.

Only her head was out of the sheets and she was cuddled in a tiny ball in the middle of her bed. I always thought she is too small for this bed.

I hugged her, resting my arm around her waist and got closer. I could smell her hair shampoo and I nuzzled my face closer to her head.
I love the way her hair smells.

I closed my eyes and kissed her head gently.
If Yoongi would know what kind of thoughts run through my mind when I see Hana, he won't let me an inch close to her.
I know that all I feel is that I love her body and nothing more, but she is my friend and I can only dream of her.

3rd pov

They fell asleep into each other's arms. Hours passed and Hana was sleeping peacefully. No nightmares but something woke her up.
Her friend's limbs tangled around her whole body.
She couldn't help but giggle at the tall man.
She slowly turned around in his embrace to face him. She glued herself to his body and she hugged him back.

If someone would've looked at them they wouldn't notice Hana at all.

She smiled to herself to that tought and closed her eyes. She felt safe and calm.

She let her head on his chest enjoying the warmth of his body against her's. His arms tangled around her more and she opened her eyes.

She remembered him.

Hana's pov

I can't stop getting my mind off of him even though it was over. I don't feel any pain. I feel guilt.
If I was a normal girl, not a gang member with a certain reputation, things could've work between us.

He wanted kids in the future. Getting married and all of that stuff. But I was just... I am different.
Being who I am and being raised with such small amount of love, didn't let me imagine this.
I mean I never thought of getting married. I never wanted kids because I don't know how to be a mother. I don't remember mine and my father was just like Jake. A crazy guy who eventually got killed because of what he was doing.
I grew up in this world with guns, action, death. But I preferred this weight on my shoulders back then.

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