
1.9K 146 11

--unknown feelings.

The sun rose on Jimin's face as he scrunched his nose, he gently stretches out his arms and legs as he sat down slowly whilst cracking his neck. He looked at the large window on his right and admire the scenery. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice coming from downstairs.

"Yah! Get up already it's almost 9 am. You don't wanna be late" Jimin rolled his eyes and quickly get out of bed, he opened his door and went towards the bathroom.

After a couple of minutes he got out while drying his damp hair, he walked downstairs and saw Jungkook looking at him with his hands on his chin.

"Took you long enough," Jungkook said as Jimin rolled his eyes from annoyance

"What are you doing in my house?" Jimin walks towards the kitchen grabbing his cereal and milk.

"Uhm, I already told you. I'm picking you up?" Jungkook sat on the kitchen counter and grabbing an apple.

"What are you doing inside my house?" Jimin looked at him, searching for a bowl and spoon.

"You know that hiding your keys under the mat wasn't really that smart of you, " Jungkook followed Jimin whilst biting on the apple. "And, I was calling for the last 20 minutes so I decided to you know..."

"You do know this is trespassing right?" Jimin sat on a stool and munched on his cereal.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full..." Jungkook wiped the corner of Jimin's lips caught the other off guard. "To answer your question, it isn't."

"I-I-- WHATEVER!" Jimin blushed and looked away eating fast making Jungkook chuckle

"You're quite cute, " Jungkook smiled, Jimin blushed at the statement "Too cute for a man."

"I'm not cute!" Jimin looked at Jungkook with a blush tinted on his face.

"You are, besides this is me being true for once." Jungkook smiled showing his bunny smile, it made Jimin's heart skip a bit. The smaller gulp thickly and looked away still blushing.

"Fuck you"

"Later. But for now, we only have 7 minutes to go to school. "


When they finally arrived at the University everyone looked at them, as if they were celebrities. Jungkook held Jimin's hand as they went inside, gossips were heard.

Jimin felt pathetic, "hey." Jungkook whispered in his ear.

"Hmm." Jimin didn't even look at him.

"You okay?" Jungkook rubbed small circles on his hand, soothing the smaller.

"I don't like them staring," Jimin said truthfully. "It's uncomfortable."


"THERE IS THE LOVING COUPLE!" They saw Jackson skipping towards them with the others behind him. Jimin smiled at him as Jungkook chuckled.

"Hi, Jackson-ssi" Jimin hugged the older


Why don't I get that kind of reaction?" Jungkook frowned.

"Because I like Jackson-hyung" Jimin rolled his eyes as Jungkook placed his hand on his waist.

"So, you don't like me?"

"I don't." Jungkook was about to growl when Yeonwoo spoke.

"He left." She looked at Yugyeom's back

"He did?" Jimin said as Yeonwoo nodded "Now, get your filthy hands off me!" Jimin slapped Jungkook's hand.

"Filthy? My hands? Nothing's filthy about me Jimin-ah!" He scoffs

"Oh, I remember that your a dick," Jimin said walking off.

"I'm not a dick!"

"You are!"


Yeonwoo and Jimin walked side by side everyone glaring at them. Jimin looked down avoiding any eye contact with other students, this is what scared him the most being hated without any reason.

"You know, it doesn't suit you frowning him." Yeonwoo snickered

"You're saying that 'cause you not dating Jayon."

"Jimin for the last time, it's Jeon! Je-on" Yeonwoo said "look at me! JE-ON!" She gritted her teeth.

Jimin laughed loudly at her gaining Yugyeom's attention. "I know, I was literally doing it on purpose."

Yugyeom looked at him with a glare and a pang of jealousy hits him. Jimin is a beautiful guy, he looks so soft and angelic. Maybe, this is why Jungkook moved on that quick.

Love is love they say, you don't tell your heart to love that person it just happens. Maybe this is why he's hurt the most because the person he loves is ready to forget, move on and open his heart again.

Short one. Hohoho, I wanna discontinue this book. 😅

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