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-the usual
-I need you guys.


As Jaebum, Jackson, Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok entered the bar they saw Jeongguk sitting alone in their usual seat. He clearly drank a few bottles, by the look on his face he's pretty much wasted.

Yoongi could only sigh, he's seen this before. With Yugyeom. He love Jimin the way he loved Yugyeom, "C'mon" he says

Jackson's POV

As I stare at Jeongguk I felt a pang in my chest, he should know about what's happening with Jimin. But, I know I don't have the position to do that. I looked at Yoongi and Namjoon, their like Jeongguk's older brother I know their worried about Jeongguk, I know. 'Cause I am too.

This isn't healthy, I don't want him to go back to his old habits. Almost drinking everyday, smoking, cutting classes, always getting beaten up.

Yoongi-hyung sat down across from Jeongguk "What happened?"

"A-am I wrong?" Jeongguk says

"Wrong about what?" Namjoon furrowed his brows, he signalize us to come and sit down and so we did.

"Guys, I love him." Jeongguk starts, he didn't bother to answer Namjoon's question. "I love him so much, it hurts. When I saw him with Tae my world just...collapsed right in front of my eyes."

Everyone stayed silent.

"Am I really that easy to replace?" His voice cracked "Did he even loved me?" He looked down on his feet "Why does everyone I love leave me for Taehyung? What does he have that I don't? Hyung..." He looked at me.

I stared at him.

"Jimin's...not feeling well" I said, everyone stared at him. "He-he's sick. Maybe, Taehyung could help him heal." I looked at him.

"Heal from what–"

"From you." I said with a stern voice "you have to stop making him feel that you want him but at the end of the day, you'll come back in Yugyeom's grip."

"You have to think about what you really want. I don't want to see Jimin nor you getting hurt in the end, you got back with Yugyeom right? Talking about Jimin–Thinking about him actually isn't really healthy for your relationship with Yugyeom." I stood up and looked at him one last time

"Stop playing the victim here, Gguk. Because you were the one who's at fault, you did this to the both of you." I said

"Where are you going?"

"At Jimin." I said as I left.

That was the first time I said something like that, I know Jeongguk might've got offended by what I said. But, what I said had to be said. It was the truth, I just want him to keep hurting everyone that's around him.

I know that he's confused, but we tried to help him. He didn't listen, he's giving Jimin hopes that maybe they could be together again even though they can't.

I just knocked some sense on to him. He needs it.


Update yay!

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