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"I love you" 

Jimin looked at Taehyung, "Tae, I love you..." Taehyung smiles "But, I love Jeongguk too." He let's go of Taehyung and backed a little. 

"I know you love him." Taehyung kept the smile on his face, "Believe me when I tell you that I am in love with you." He says, Jimin only looks at him and listened to every word he says. "I knew this day would come, but I didn't know that it will happen this quick" he chuckles "Jimin, my feelings for you are genuine. It's okay if you hurt me, it's okay if you use me, it's okay if you come back to him and leave me. It's okay, but please don't shut me out because of this confession. I wouldn't take that well, you could do so many things to me but I wouldn't give a dam even if I was left alone in the end. Because it's you, Jimin." he still kept that smile, that hides the pain but his eyes show the pain he's going through. Jimin walked closer to him and cupped his face and slightly bring it to him slowly, he kissed Taehyung gently shocking the taller. It was sudden, Taehyung pulled Jimin closer to him making Jimin gasp between the kiss. 

Both pulled away, cheeks flushed. "Tae, I'm not gonna do that to you..."

"I know you wouldn't" 

"Trust me." 

"I do, trust you." 


Jeongguk's POV

"So, Hoseok and I planned a booth for tomorrow," Jackson says "It's like a dare or pay" 

"How does it work?" Yoongi asked 

"Well, there's a bowl filled with dare and in that paper, there will also be the amount that you'll pay if you didn't do the dare" Hoseok explained "For example, Yoongi has to say 'Fuck you in front of a teacher or he'll pay $60" he sips on his drink. 

"Okay, first your scamming people, second, nobody would come to your booth knowing half of the students here doesn't like wasting money over some stupid dare, that they couldn't do." Namjoon rolled his eyes 

"We should really tape your mouth, cause you're saying bullshit right now, joonie" Jackson smiled

Yeonwoo sighed loudly making everyone at the table look at her "What's wrong, babe?" Jaebum asked "Jimin's not answering his phone" she looked at Jackson 

"maybe, he's busy?" Jaebum said 

"Speaking of the devil" Hoseok smiles as he points at Jimin and Taehyung smiling at each other, I frowned at the sight. I could feel them staring at me, but my gaze was directly at Jimin and Tae. 

Jimin sat down beside Hoseok and Taehyung sat down beside Jimin, "So, where did you guys go?" Hoseok asked, Jimin blushed "Rooftop," Taehyung said as he smiled and glanced at Jimin who kept his head low. 

"I'll go get you something," Taehyung said and stood up. I followed Taehyung with my eyes, staring daggers at his back as I watch him leave the table. 

"So, what did you guys do?" Yeonwoo asked, Jimin smiled softly "I better go get help, Tae," He said and stood up. 

Yeonwoo scoffed "Did he just ignore me?" 

"They definitely did something" Namjoon chuckles "It's been a while since I saw the look on Taehyung's eyes" Namjoon looked at me and said "Taehyung's in love." He said, my heart started beating fast. 

"He's in love with Jimin" My heart sank, I looked in their direction. I saw Taehyung and Jimin laughing as Taehyung softly pats Jimin's head, Jimin blushed at the gesture. I quickly grabbed my bag and stormed out and quickly went to Yugyeom's place. 


>_<  I accidentally published this partttt T_T I'm so sorryyyy I hope ur enjoying this book thoughhhh thank youuuu

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