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Su-Jin paced back and forth in their shared room with Lea, he kept thinking and thinking. "Darling, you shouldn't stress yourself, he'll be okay."

"It's been 15 years Lea, his mother died because of that, and every time I think about it, it haunts me!" He sighed sitting next to her.

"Jimin is already 18 he's strong Su-Jin, don't you trust our son?"

"I do Lea, but what if--"

"No more what if's Su-Jin, he's alright."


"Wow! Your house is bomb!" Jimin exclaimed, "Is this even a house?"

"It is sweetheart," Jungkook said getting some ice and getting the first aid kit. "Now sit your dirty ass down and let me do my work."

"First of all, stop calling me sweetheart it's so weird! Second, this ass can make every man gay. " Jimin huffed and sat down while looking around Jungkook place.

"Yeah yeah, " Jungkook placed the cold compress on one of Jimin's bruises make the smaller hiss in pain.

"Yah! Do it slowly asshole!" Jimin groans "my legs are very sensitive!"

"Yeah, 'cause this bruise isn't going away for a month! Look at that, it's like someone kicked you!"

Jimin went silent making Jungkook look at him with keen eyes "so...someone actually kicked you!" Jungkook said frustratingly

"I-It's not like that..." Jimin mumbled but the other rolled his eyes and cleaned his wounds.

"It is. Now shut up."


"What?" Jungkook said sharply

"What is it like to fall in love?" Jimin's question stunned him, he slowly let's go of the cotton ball on his hands and looked at Jimin's side.

"It's..." Jungkook started, making Jimin looked at him

"It's what?"

"It's a gift, to fall in love."

"A gift?" Jimin looks at him confused

"Hmm, not everyone gets to fall in love Jimin-ah" Jungkook took a bandage and slowly puts it in his arm.

"I wish I could experience such a magical thing."

"You will," Jungkook said not looking at him

"I won't, "

"You will if you find the right person"

"Did you find the right person for you?"

Jungkook looked at him, staring in his eyes. "I did. I actually did."


"I don't know..." Jungkook said still looking at him


"I won't tell..."


"Yeah, it's Yugyeom." Jungkook chuckled

"I wish someone could love me the way you love Yugyeom..." He whispered

"You'll find someone Jimin-ah, but it won't be easy."

"I know..."


The next day came in Jimin remembered how their conversation was about, he felt quite uneasy when they started to talk about love. He, himself hasn't been in a relationship or been in love he was scared to be in love.

"You know Jimin, love is everywhere. You can be in love in seconds when you find the right person" Jungkook said as he placed ice on Jimin's bruised lips.

"Yeah, I know that. But, what if he or she doesn't want me?"

"He or she will"

"How can you be so sure?" Jimin looked at him with keen eyes.

"Because of someone as beautiful as you can make anyone fall in love... " Jungkook mumbled

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

"I said they don't have a choice! 'Cause when they reject you, you'll be crying like a baby!" Jungkook cried like a baby, making Jimin glare at him.

"Not funny Jayon!"

"It is funny Pork Chop!" He laughs harder. "Oh, by the way, it's almost October, and the basketball league is almost up."

"So?" Jimin placed the ice on the table and looked at Jungkook

"So...I want you to be there! Cheering for me!"

"Of course I'll cheer for you. What do you fucking expect 'me' cheering at the 'other' team?" Jimin said in a 'duh' tone.

"No! That's not it" Jungkook rolled his eyes "I want you to make a banner that says 'GO MY LOVE JEON JUNGKOOK!' or maybe 'GO, MY SEXY LOVE, JUNGKOOK' "

Jimin's mouth hung wide open at the latter's suggestion "I would rather die"

" c'mon sweetheart"

"ew!! What the fuck!"

"Just do it, Yugyeom will be there and I want to see his reaction!" Jungkook whined

"Alright ass"

Jimin was scared. Scared to fall in love with Jeon Jungkook.


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