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Any physical exercise always sucks, but when there's gorgeous scenery splayed out in front of you, stretching out for kilometers, it's hard to complain. I alternate between looking up at the view surrounding us and down at my feet so I don't trip over anything, and each time I raise my head, my heart skips a beat, amazed at the scenery each time. 

"I find it completely unfair," I huff out, "that you're making me carry this when I didn't even want to bring it along." 

Seokjin chuckles beside me as we continue hiking up the mountain. His breathing is even and relaxed, while I have to wheeze in each breath. "I would have offered to carry it, but now that you're being sassy, I think I'll just leave you be." 



I stop walking and just glare at him. 

He laughs again. "Has anyone told you how adorably frightening you can be?" 

The glare intensifies. "You're being a terrible boyfriend right now." 

He shakes his head. "Not possible. I'm great at everything." 

I ground my teeth and raise my eyebrows, continuing my glowering. Finally, he just grins and holds out a hand. I want to throw the violin case at him but think about the money behind the object and restrain myself. Still, I turn my back on him and continue up the mountain once the violin is in his hands. "How did you come up with this brilliant idea?" I ask once he's caught up to me. 

"I saw a video of someone playing the violin with a beautiful background online and it reminded me of you instantly. Haven't you ever wanted to experience something like this before?" 

I glance over at him. "Playing in public? In front of other people? Yeah, no." 

Seokjin smiles. "I expect a personalized concert for me daily at sunset when we move to our apple orchard in Italy." 

Immediately, the image of soft violin playing with the sun splashing colors into the sky behind an older version of me flashes through my mind. Seokjin is sitting in a chair, a gentle smile on his face, and two children chase each other around in an apple orchard. A third one is sitting on the ground beside us, scribbling a mess of colors and disregarding the lines. My heart warms at the thought, the feeling spreading throughout my body and causing my toes to tingle. 

But even with the hopeful image, for whatever reason, my mouth responds with a snarky, "You can't make me." 

Seokjin's signature bright laugh rings around us, raising my own lips into a smile. "I find it hilarious how you can say such disrespectful words while still speaking formally with me." 

I shake my head. "I find it frustrating. Sometimes I just want to curse you out until I remember our society actually values this thing called respect." 

"But what even is respect?" 

I scrunch up my nose and give Seokjin a weird look. "Don't bring up a deep conversation now. Let's leave that to Namjoon oppa and Yuna." 

Seokjin adjusts the strap of the violin case. "You secretly want to answer it. I know you do." 

He was right. I did. Deep conversations were always things I adored, but as someone that never enjoyed talking about herself, I kept my mouth shut and just stuck to the frivolous comments. But with Seokjin, I was unafraid to be myself.

"I don't think respect is something you can define with words. Can you describe anger with words? What about love? I would argue no, meaning that respect is more so a feeling individualized to each person." 

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