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Chronological order of stories I plan to finish in the future:

Namjoon - Just as Friends

Hoseok - Autumn Angel

Jin - Frozen Grapes

Jungkook - Affectation(edit: I ended up changing the name to Chasing You Endlessly lol oops)

Gosh this story has been such a roller coaster for me, I'm like so grateful I was finally able to finish lol.

I can already tell that this is going to be a long author's note. There are so many things I want to cover and so many things I want to stress. Buckle in.

I seriously don't know where to begin wow.

This was a really hard story for me to write. Like Hoseok's story, Autumn Angel, I had the roughest idea of an outline in my mind, but there were a lot of gaps. Much of my time was spent staring at my screen and listening to music or playing games or watching videos to give me motivation. (Shoutout to 2048 which is literally the best game to idly play while thinking of ideas.)

The idea for Frozen Grapes popped into my head while I was eating frozen grapes myself. I was reminded a lot about how I would binge on frozen grapes when I was going through my own eating disorder and it grew to be a massive safe food. Later on, I found out that it's actually used as a safe food a lot in the eating disorder community, and I wanted to maybe include an aspect of this lifestyle that is seemingly innocuous, but actually hints at something much deeper. Of course, I'm not saying that everyone that eats frozen grapes has an eating disorder, but I wanted to include this detail in the story and it just grew from there.

I want to put a huge disclaimer here: DISCLAIMER: from here, I'm going to be talking a lot about my opinions of Seokjin and who I think he truly is behind the idol persona. Please understand that these are just my interpretations and opinions based off of my own observations and analyses. Some things I say may rub off the wrong way, but please please please try to understand what I'm trying to say. I'm completely fine with respectfully disagreeing, the keyword being respectful. If you have different opinions, feel free to comment, but please understand that I'm emotional and sensitive too uwu.

Jin is someone that I've always wanted to write a fanfiction based around, but he's literally the most mysterious person ever, I was unsure of how I would even make it happen.

I don't know how many ARMYs have thought this through, but we know nothing about Jin. Nothing. Of course, I said this in my author's note for Hoseok's story as well, but with Jin, I think it's on a much more extreme level. The video I attached to this chapter explains really well why we pretty know nothing at all about him. I'll attach it below as well, and I really suggest you check it out. It really changes your perspective of him.

Something I really wanted to bring up in this story is his intelligence. Jin is so incredibly smart, and his intelligence is one of the most underrated, if not the most underrated, thing in the fandom. Mainly because he doesn't show it that often, so many fans don't know.

Jin is an INTP on the Myers Briggs personality test, and he said that the descriptions provided for an INTP are pretty accurate as to how he views himself. INTPs are extremely logical and intelligent, which are adjectives that tend to only really be associated with Namjoon instead of Jin. Of course, all BTS members are very intelligent in their own fields, but in terms of the ability to comprehend ideas and understand, Namjoon and Jin I believe are at the top of the list. Namjoon has mentioned before that Jin is one of the members that he can easily have philosophical conversations with. He's also mentioned before that Jin one time completed as many as five books while on a world tour. These are only examples among many others, and if you search up videos on Jin's intelligence, there are many more examples.

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