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The butterfly necklace on Yuna stands out immediately and I smirk at her. "I'm assuming things went well?" She had met up with Namjoon yesterday. 

Yuna bites her lip and nods. "We decided to remain as friends and see where it can go." 

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, friends, whatever. If that's what gets you to sleep tonight." 

"Shut up, Hana." 

"Make me," I fight back. 

"Make me," Yuna mimics in an annoyingly high voice. 

I shake my head. "Sometimes I forget that you're some sort of genius with an insanely high IQ." 

Yuna's eyebrows raise. "IQ scores are invalid. I don't believe in the concept of putting an exact number to someone's intelligence." 

My hands raise to cover my ears and I shut my eyes. "Please stop talking. You always turn conversations into something deep. It's really annoying." 

I can feel the heat of Yuna's glare on me and I open my eyes to grin at her and give her a flying kiss. Yuna ignores it, though, and checks her phone when it dings. After a few seconds of texting, she looks back up at me. "Can Namjoon oppa come over?" 

I pick at my nails and look to the left. "Fine," I give in with a sigh, "but please keep the PDA to a minimum." 

"Oh, come on. It's not that bad." 

I raise my eyebrows and give her a look which she then responds to by throwing a couch pillow at me. A couple of minutes later, the doorbell rings. At the same time, my phone vibrates and I quickly respond to Seokjin. Right when Yuna reaches the door to open it, Seokjin swings it wide open with a large shout. 

"Yuna!" he says loudly. "What a surprise. Didn't expect to see you anytime soon!" 

I cover my mouth with my hand as I take in Yuna's and Namjoon's surprised expressions. 

"Seokjin oppa. How did you get in?" 

Seokjin shrugs and steps inside my apartment to take off his shoes. "I just guessed the passcode. I'm that amazing, huh?" 

Namjoon follows him in and turns to me. "He was with me and I decided to bring him along. I hope that's okay?" 

I laugh. "That's perfectly fine. Although my apartment really isn't the best size for housing guests." 

Seokjin drops down onto the couch next to me and props his feet up onto the coffee table. "You're fine, Hana. As long as these two don't get too cringey, I think we'll be good." Both of us turn to stare at Namjoon and Yuna who already have their arms around each other's waists. 

Namjoon sighs. "I think you guys over exaggerate a bit too much." 

"Or maybe you're just in denial like always." 

Seokjin holds up a hand which I high-five. "Right on." 

Yuna takes a seat at the breakfast table and Namjoon stands beside her, playing with her hair. The image makes me jealous, but my expression displays disgust. 

"Hyung, who's side exactly are you on?" 

"No one's. I'm on Kim Seokjin's side." 

I nod. "And I'm on Kim Hana's." 

Yuna turns around to look up at Namjoon. "I'm almost tempted to leave." 

Namjoon nods. "Let's hold out for a little longer. If they get too annoying we can go." 

Both Seokjin and I try to ignore them with our feet propped up on the coffee table, sinking back into the couch, and our arms crossed. A remote control is in my hand as I surf through the channels and both of us exude a depiction of indifference. 

"Thanks for texting me the passcode," Seokjin says quietly. "Namjoon's reaction was priceless." 

I laugh and glance over at him. "I think I deserve something in return. Do I get a wish?" 

Seokjin's eyes blink down at me. "What's the wish?" 

I shrug. "Any wish. A wish I can use whenever I want to. The only rule is that you have to grant it, regardless of what it is." 

"The wish has to be reasonable." 

I nod. "It'll be doable." 

Seokjin stays silent, blinking as he thinks. "Fine," he gives in. 

I look over at Namjoon and Yuna who are having their own private conversation and laughing with each other. Namjoon is still standing, though now in front of Yuna. He continues to play with her hair while Yuna is fidgeting with his spare hand. 

"Look at those two," I say, shaking my head in disappointment. "They didn't even last a month after she came back." 

Seokjin grins. "If any couple were to have me believe in true love, it would be those two." 

I nod in agreement. "Do you believe in love?" 

Seokjin turns his head and looks back down at me. "What kind of question is that?" 

I adjust my glasses. "The kind of question it is." 

"Yes." Seokjin laughs and shakes his head as if the answer was obvious. "I believe in love. I just think that the image of love people hold in their minds is twisted. When people claim they don't believe in love, that's not what they mean. They mean they don't believe in dishonesty, miscommunication, lack of effort. Love at its core is pure and good. Humans are just the ones that don't do it correctly. It's possible. Love is real. Humans are just terrible at understanding it." 

I smile at him. "Do you want to fall in love?" 

Seokjin's eyes widen and he laughs again. "What kind of question is that?" 

I laugh with him. "A genuine question! Some people prefer to stay single for the rest of their lives." 

A soft smile tugs on Seokjin's lips. "A question asking about myself? Careful." 

I grin up at him. At least he was able to acknowledge the fact that he was reluctant to answer instead of giving me a vague reply that never provided more information. 

Seokjin's left eye starts twitching and I can't help the grin that grows. His uncontrollable blinking always made me smile at his cuteness. "I'm really sorry, but do you have any food? I'm starting to get a little hungry." 

At that, I burst out in loud laughter and stand up from the couch. "It's actually getting close to time for dinner. I can try making us something." 

Seokjin stands up and follows me to the small kitchen. "I can help with anything. What are you planning on making?" 

I open the fridge doors and scan my eyes across the food. "I don't know yet. Any requests?" 

I feel him stand behind me as both of us peer into the fridge. The air in front of me is cold, but standing so close to me, I can feel the heat radiating off of him. A sweet, woody scent reaches my nose, and I find myself slightly turning my head to inhale it more. 

"Kimchi-jjigae," Seokjin says, reaching over me to grab a couple of dishes. "It looks like we have enough ingredients for that." 

I nod and help him pull out more dishes. "I can start with cutting the tofu, can you wash the vegetables?" 

Seokjin nods and both of us dance around the small space, preparing the meal. 


YIKES awkward ending that's pretty bad, but like always, this was part of a larger scene I didn't realize was so long until I looked back on it and I was like wheredoIsplitthis so yeah, apologies.

Also, I did read that Seokjin's left eye starts to twitch uncontrollably when he's hungry which is the cutest thing ever so I had to include that in uwu.

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