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A very flustered Hyunsoo paces back and forth in front of Yuna and me. The two of us slouch into the couch, giving off an image of aloofness, although we glance at each other occasionally to pass sly smiles. 

Hyunsoo lets out another exasperated sigh and splays out his hands in front of him. He's stopped pacing in front of us and his eyebrows etch into his face with confusion. "What do I do?" he complains. "I don't know what to do." 

Yuna sighs and takes her feet off the coffee table. She leans forward and rests her elbows on her knees. "Do any of them catch your eye? Someone that you might have a genuine interest in?" 

Hyunsoo shakes his head. "I feel like they're all the same person. Everytime someone comes up to me for conversation, I try my hardest to not use a name." 

I click my tongue and move to copy Yuna's relaxed position. "Ko Hyunsoo getting all the girls. Who would've thought?" Yuna and I snicker. 

"Shut up," he whines. "You guys are no help. I came here for advice, not to be laughed at. What do I do? I feel bad turning them down, but I don't want to lead them on." 

I soften at his concern. "If only you had a girlfriend. This would be a lot easier." 

Hyunsoo nods sadly until he stiffens. Eyes widen and he perks up. "Hana..." 

I immediately shake my head. "No." 

"Oh, come on. Please? I always pretend to be your boyfriend when guys hit you up at the cafe." 

He had a point, but still I shake my head. "Why do I have to? Why can't Yuna?" 

"Woah there, buddy. Don't bring me into this. I'm the only one here actually in a relationship." 

At that, Hyunsoo and I turn to her and stare daggers. "Okay, you didn't need to remind us." 

She just grins. "I apologize." Sarcasm seeps through with every syllable. 

"Please, just think about it. You bully me every second of your life, I think I deserve at least this." 

I turn my attention back to Hyunsoo and sigh. He was bringing up very valid points. "Fine. I'll think about it." 

"Thanks, Hana. In return, you get the prize of being graced with the glorious presence of Ko Hyunsoo." 

I crinkle my nose in disgust. "Who would want to be in the presence of you?" 

He shakes his head. "Who wouldn't?" 

"Hey, Yuna, do you hear that fly in the distance?" 

Yuna bites her lip and nods. "It's really annoying." 

"What? What fly? I don't hear anything." 

The both of us sigh. "You know, Hyunsoo, sometimes I forget you graduated from the best university in the nation with a math major." 

He flashes me an attractive grin and over exaggerates running a hand through his hair, eyes hooded. "Me too." 

Yuna and I cringe in disgust. "I'm going to have to go," Yuna says, standing up from the couch. "We love being a responsible adult in the workforce." 

"Yeah, same," Hyunsoo adds. "The having to go part, not the part of being responsible." 

I choke out a laugh and follow them to the door, my introverted side rejoicing at the idea of finally being left alone. I loved my friends and hanging out with them, but I also needed that time alone. Minutes after the door closes behind them, there's a knock and I sigh, slightly annoyed to have someone disturb the peace I had just gotten comfortable with. 

"What did you forget this time?" 

But instead of being met with a Hyunsoo, I'm met with a Seokjin. A tired Seokjin. Dark circles stand out under his eyes, but still, he manages to greet me with a smile. "Good to see you as well, Love. I take it you've been well?" 

"Seokjin-ssi." I shake my head, still surprised. "Did you run into Yuna and Hyunsoo? They were just on their way out." 

He nods. "I had to turn around and walk the other direction at the last moment." 

We stand in a silence for half a second before I realize he's still standing outside, patiently waiting for me to invite him in. "Come in," I say, stepping to the side. "You don't need to be invited in next time. Feel free to get comfortable." Seokjin nods and steps in to take off his shoes. "Do you need anything? Water?" 

"Actually," he blinks and rubs the back of his neck, "I haven't eaten dinner yet. If you don't have anything, that's totally fine as well. Don't feel pressured to get me something." 

My eyes widen. The sun had set long ago, and people at this hour were out to get late night snacks and drinks, not dinner. Seokjin's words are followed by a gurgling from his stomach and he laughs quietly, ears turning red. 

"Go ahead and sit," I say, gesturing my arm at the breakfast table. "I have some food leftover. It doesn't exactly scream effort and care, but I'm going to assume you care more about the quantity than the quality at this point." 

Seokjin nods and gives me a tired smile. "Thank you." 

The preparation of the meal is accompanied with silence, but I don't scramble to make him laugh like I usually do. Something told me that in the moment, he preferred some peace with his thoughts. I place the food in front of him minutes later and take a seat on the opposite side. Seokjin flashes me a final grateful smile before digging in. 

No words are passed between us. No efforts are made to start a conversation. I just sit there, watching as Seokjin eats like he's been starved for an entire week. Spoonfuls are shoved into a mouth before the previous ones are even completely swallowed. 

"Slow down," I say gently. "You could get indigestion." 

Seokjin looks up at me and nods, visually slowing down the pace of his chewing. I give him a grim smile. Questions continue to pop in my head, but I allow him this moment of silence and peace. Too soon, plates are emptied and the food is gone. 

"Thank you," Seokjin repeats. "For the food, and for not talking too much. I really needed that peace and quiet." 

I adjust my glasses and nod. "Of course." 

Seokjin rubs his face and straightens his spine to rest his elbows on the hard surface of the table. He was tired. Every detail was further proof of his exhausted motivation and fatigue. 

An idea popping in mind, I carefully stand up and wordlessly take Seokjin's hand. A question is held in his eyes but he follows me obediently, no words expressed. I open the door to my bedroom and lead him in. My hands move to his shoulders to direct him to my bed and press down so that he sits down on the mattress. Seokjin looks up at me, still tired, but now curious as well. 

He was always the one to care for others, but who was there to take care of him? I didn't know if there was an answer to that question, and in fear that there wasn't, I felt a need to fill that spot. I wanted to take care of him. I wanted to show him the attention he was so set on showing the world. 

Tenderly, I cup one side of his face and rub my thumb across his cheek. His picturesque face gazes up at me and I try to express my concern through expression and touch. Then, I move away and walk over to the corner of my room, picking up the long, black case. 

The unzipping of a zipper, the tightening of a bow, the rubbing of shoulder pad ends on wood, and the tuning of four strings, all perfect fifths of each other. Seokjin's eyes are the last thing I see before I breathe in and allow hair to vibrate string.

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