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The wind is blowing, the sun is shining, clouds are fluffy, and people around us are laughing in groups. Other people are enjoying the beautiful day through their own picnics. 

But all of that seems irrelevant. All of that seems dull in comparison to the man next to me, lying down on the grass with a hat covering his face to block out the sun and make sure no one recognises him. I pop a frozen grape into my mouth, the satisfying crunch of the crystals popping from under my teeth. 

"Why did you text me?" I ask Seokjin. 

"I thought I should grace you with my handsome face." 

"Don't lie. You were running out of dad jokes to tell." 

"You caught me." 

I smile and chew another grape. "I kind of feel bad, though. I was with Yuna and left the moment you texted me. I had to tell her I had a shift at the cafe to run away." 

"Wow. You missed me that much?" Seokjin lays out a hand and I place a grape in his palm for him to lift to his mouth. 

"Of course. Who wouldn't miss that gorgeous face?" 

Lips smile as teeth chew. "You catch on quickly." 

I turn my head to look out over the Han River. Seokjin was continuing to put up that barrier, but that was fine because so was I. All of his tricks to divert attention away from him and his phrases used to manipulate other people into thinking what he wanted them to were all methods I was familiar with. If he wanted to deceive me with the image he wanted to present, then I would let him think I was deceived. Two could play at this game. 

"I'll admit, I was really surprised you actually reached out over text. Aren't you scared?" 

"If you wanted to expose anything about my group, you already had the chance to do so when you figured out Namjon and Yuna were dating." 

He provided more of an answer this time, but it was still so vague. I shake my head and shift my glasses. Why was I so obsessed with analyzing him? Although it was something I usually did with everyone I was around, with him, everything was so much harder to read. Every action, word, was carefully thought out and planned, revealing only what he wanted to. 

"You're thinking. What are you thinking about?" 

I look down at Seokjin who is still lying on the grass with his hat covering his face. "How do you know I'm thinking?" 

"You're silent. What else would you be doing?" 

I sigh and lie down next to Seokjin, grabbing a towel to cover my own face. The two of us probably looked ridiculous like this. "What are you thinking about?"  

"I'm trying to figure out what you could be thinking about." 

My lips raise into a smile. He was good. "What do you think I'm thinking about?" 

"I don't know. Why do you think I asked?" 

I can't help the laughter that escapes my lips. Both of us were shying around every question, avoiding answering to detail. "I've never met someone like you," I say. 

"I could say the same for you. You're hard to read." 

So many of his thoughts were similar to mine. This fact only drives the desire in me to learn even more about him. "I'm trying to figure you out," I say after a moment of silence, "but you aren't letting me in." 

"Neither are you." 

I smile under the towel. "Because you aren't." 

"Or maybe because it's a product of who you are." 

Frozen Grapes | KSJ ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt