/20.2/ Leave Me Be

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"Oh hyung, when did you come? Jin hyung sent me to check up on noona just now."

"And he also called you back to lend him a hand in work. Stop wedging out of your chores. Help the old man, go." Jungkook got up from his seat, borrowing a handful of gentle smile with a bow during the departure. Jimin waited until he left.

"Old man who? Should I spill to Jin what you call him?" Jimin shrugged his shoulders only at my tease, asking, "How are you feeling?"

"Alright-" I stopped as he started leaning forward, placing his backhand on my forehead. His hand was so warm, but I flinched at the sudden impact.

"A bit warm, not sure about fever." He continued to feel my cheeks. I lightly brushed his hand off, "There isn't one."

"Did you check the temperature? Jin hyung is worried about you, I need to assure him later as I go."

"Yes, I am so, very, great. Trust me. I don't lie."

"Really? Then why did you black out on the stairs?"

"I don't know. It was weird for me too. But I'm okay now. Tell Jin to stop worrying about me."

"You should start caring more about yourself." I shrugged at him.

"And hyung is a bit protective in nature. He is always there, taking care of us whenever anyone falls sick. Don't criticize the mother in him."

I laughed at his words, "And what is that?" added I gazing at the cup he had placed on the bedside table. The smell permeating the air molecules with its soft sweet aroma had me brazenly withhold a gargling stomach, dying to get a taste of it.

"I thought you would be hungry."

"I don't know if I was, but I am now. Thanks. Now hand me that." He slapped my hand away with a playful glare, "Let it cool down first."

I sat cozily on one side of the head curling myself completely within the blanket, shockingly asking for the time to pass by only to be able to eat soonest, having nothing else of concern. Jimin lunged on the mattress beside me in comfort.

"So what's going on between you two?"

"Me and - who?"


"What about him?"

"You guys seem to have got close."

"Eh, well somewhat. He's a nice boy."


"Aaand - yeah, he's great to talk with. I like him."

 "You like him?"

"He's easy to get along with." I stared at the slow fade of steam from above the bowl, "Can I eat now?"

Jimin seemed to not have heard that, "That's so surprising to hear. Because Jungkook's not likely to loosen up to someone too quick."

"I didn't find him like that. Instead, he rather gives off a pretty welcoming vibe. Yeah he's a bit shy, but not-"

"He has a welcoming vibe? Wow, you're the very first person to say that." He sounded very sarcastic to leave me in confusion.

"Why is your tone getting weird, Jungkook-"

"I get it." Jimin bounced up on the mattress, darting his eyes straight onto me in a gravy mood, "Y/N, just - tell me something. Don't you think you fall for people too easily?"

I was left off guard with the sudden question, "What do you mean?"

"You go believe directly into people's idiosyncrasies not delving soundly enough to see what can be more to that. While your principles are so surprisingly outright, you don't even care as long as the first impression is alright to you."

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