/10/ That Park

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The practice room was inundated with staffs, utilizing the spaciousness of the place as a concert stage and all the required pieces of equipment were stashed at further crevices of it. Loud resonance of the songs to be played later on buried all the hums and busy talks passed down to each of us. Six boys gathered around the center as the main dancer continued to instruct them until the level of pitch perfection. I eyed each one of them every time as I constantly passed by with the alibi of being busy with works. The open-air concert dates were filed after one and a half month. They had been practicing so hard, like nothing else had a meaning in their life. Even Suga, the one who always tended to find the smallest second of time to be able to lie down and slack off seemed threatening, daunting.

"Be careful with your steps more, Jimin." Hoseok instructed the boy as he tripped on his toes twice consecutively. Gasps heaved his chest up and down. I couldn't but lay my eyes more than just one second upon him. Even though in a state of being all sweaty and enervated, he looked nothing less than svelte. 

The past few days, I barely got to saw Jimin of all the boys. Whenever I got a glimpse, he appeared exhausted, on the verge of slumping to the ground out of fatigue. I wondered how much he had been practicing, if he had started cutting off his meals in the name of almighty diet again. He had gone much quieter, at least towards me. It should have had helped me instead, to get my freaking mind to its real state, however, nothing was helping. The days without seeing him went on well, apparently well, but just then the day when I saw him again, all the perseverance crashed and broke to splinters like nothing but a sheer glass, meant to be broken. I feared what Momo earlier said to me.

"When things start to affect you, they get you trapped bit by bit that at one time, you can't let go. Y/N, don't let yourself fall into that. Emotion is such a thing, once you fall deeper, you can't go back."

I couldn't let her words be right.

Now for the quarter part of a second when his orbs shifted to me darting a glance before he went back to practice his steps, I realized the small sigh escaping my lungs. Having a quandary that kills you and at the same time, sadistically euphoric, made me want to fuck myself as a human. Made me want to accelerate the time to the clock hour when I would be out of this havoc to my old real life. I wished.

'Microphones check, amplifiers check, speaker set-' It was time for the boys' break and the workhour of us. Carrying the bunch of cables piled up in my one hand, I was too attentive at looking down my list that I almost bumped into someone walking by. 'Whoo! Sorry, Namjoon.' Namjoon smiled, 'Be more careful. Too much work, eh?'

'Nah it's all good. I should be going.' Not too late after I had finished my word, the manager shouted my name. 'Y/N!'

'Coming...' I grumbled under my breath before skedaddling to his direction. He stood akimbo with his forehead wrinkled. As soon as I reached up to him, he dumped the set of microphones in my hand and yelled, 'They are not working!'

Is that my fault? I said, 'Seon Yong was supposed to check them out. Did he?'

'I don't know where his little ass is. Go replace them.' He shoved all the tiny little structures in my hand and indexed at the exit. 

The cables were wrapped in a small ball of a knot and the socket was like, one foot higher than the length until which my hands could reach.

'Do you need help?' Almost startled at the sudden reach of voice, I looked back, finding Kim Taehyung standing just behind me.

'No it's fine, I will find a ladder- woa-' I flinched as the male wrapped his arms around my lower leg and pulled me up. Awkwardness heated my cheeks but he was nonchalant. I sheepishly smiled to say 'Thanks' and forcibly diverted my erratic mind towards what I was supposed to do.

Enigma II : Magic CardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora