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Author's P.O.V:-

"Those were Geun Hye's folks, indeed." Hoseok twirled the chair around and sprawled himself onto it, "They must be suspecting us to be those ratchets who killed their boss."

"That's the freaking thing, how did they hunt us down?" Namjoon asked, "Since Yoongi was a witness of both the attacks done until now, tell us," He turned around to the male, "Did you get a hint?"

Yoongi was sitting pensively in his own seat in the corner, hands gathered down his chin to hold his face up, "I don't think they particularly wanted to do a harm or kill, rather just do a mere injury browbeating the defense off so that they can get us in the car, or, her." He looked up to face the rest of the members.

"Y/N." Added he.

"Y/N?" Jin reiterated, "But why would they want to abduct her? She is just a staff."

"It's so perplexing,' He said, "Before, in the first attack, it was her who they wanted to kidnap. Then in the next encounter, when those folks attacked us, I don't think they meant to nag me, I was the sidekick, and that, it was her who was the real target. If I hadn't held them back."

"They had attacked again?" Jungkook asked. He had just entered the living room, along with the rest of the maknae line. The three sat down at a corner of the couch.

Yoongi nodded, "Nearby. I was out for a small walk after rehearsal ended. Y/N had come thinking I had left something back. They ambushed on the street."

"What happened then?" Jimin asked. Yoongi shrugged, "I took care of it."

"What about Y/N?"

"She succeeded to get in a car and escaped."

Jin reminded back his previous words, "While you're saying she was the target?"

"Told ya. It's a mere notion."

"Maybe..." Hoseok tried to piece back some congenial equations, "She is our manager and...they thought it's safer to abduct a staff firsthand and use her to get info to ensure if it could be us? Because...the police would be more active to find us out, the company would know immediately if anything happened to us, but in case of Y/N, first off, she lives alone, and last off, one wouldn't immediately conjecture she was kidnapped if she stayed absent for one day at work. Does my statement sound reasonable enough?"

"Yours can be correct, or not. I was there too, alone, and they didn't seem to care much about me. It was only her."

"This is not getting us anywhere. We can't be so sure at the moment. But," Namjoon spoke, "Che Geun-Hye was the main head of the gang. With him dead, currently, the gang's now messed up, the members are acting like some temporary radicals, vulnerable to find out the killer of their boss because they have been demonetized. Either they will gather up with a new leader in no time or some other gang will vanquish and merge them in." He made a tsk, "I know these old, never-changed state of circumstances. These always happen when a gang loses their leader. You too, Yoongi."

"Yeah but Namjoon, we need to keep them checked until the in-no-time." Yoongi said sarcastically, "They have already attacked twice."

"Shall we tell him about this?" Jin asked, that resulted in a small yet noticeable pause by the other three.

"No,' Namjoon answered, 'We can't. It's better if we don't. We will take care of it."

"And let's just tell Y/N that those were some burglars who stroked that time, you handled it and the police came in time and arrested them. Happy ending."

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