/26/ Hatred Makes You Immortal

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The small journey from the station to the inside of the city had felt longer than it was, marked with a gloomy shade with the sirimiri. I enjoyed this light plummet of rainfall more than usual. Perhaps the rain of one's own hometown had a different tang to it.

It was a dread feeling at first when I pushed the door to the cafe with the least bit of my strength and even least than least courage in the core. Sooner as I saw a few of the familiar faces, suddenly I was more than just an introvert. If there had been a term to denote to the uttermost antisocial, intending to flee at the sight of a human hair strand, maybe that would have suited what I was now. I could immediately recognize them, wondered if they could too in my case. Renee looked the same when she was sixteen, hadn't aged at all. Aranya now with her dyed orange hair looked different, but the usual amiable fondness perhaps was her perennial feature, that rested with sparkles as she was talking with hands flapping to give extra meaning to her dialogues. Daiyu - she looked gorgeous as ever as well. All of them looked happy. How did I look?

I had lost my thoughts, the reflex of social interaction all at the time, not knowing how to approach. Should I call and wave at first, or should I go ahead and present myself? Instead, I just stood there awkwardly in the distance, far enough to not get seen. This position felt better, the frontage one step forward from which would make the world turn around to look at you. I didn't want to take that step. Until I didn't have to. Renee saw me, immediately screaming with the loudest voice and waving her hand for life.

"Y/N-iiiiiii!!!!! Here!" She didn't wait for me to come over and started running olympiads. The next second I was almost about to stumble with her weight pressed against the whole of my body.

"How have you been? Gosh, you have become prettier! I'm effing jealous now!"

"Y/N!" The rest of the crew joined in, a similar welcoming smile lighting up their face. "Finally! Took you a job to come and visit your holy motherland, huh? At least you're here now. It's so great to see you!" Daiyu said.

"Great to see y'all too. A-am I too late?" I sighed inside at how my nervousness got me to the stupid stuttering. Others didn't seem to take much of a look at my tensed-up appearance.

"Let's go sit down. And Y/N, we have so much to talk about. You better not say you'll have to leave early. We're not allowing that."

I smiled in return.

"Finally a reunion like this - how long has it been, anyway? Lemme count, three, no, four years, right?" Renee said, "Did you even remember our faces? I'm sure you had to take a look at the old yearbook photos before you came to be able to recognize us today."

"Nah, c'mon. Why wouldn't I recognize y'all?"

"How are y'all doing?" Aranya said, "Daiyu, I heard you are about to start your own restaurant."

"I am planning to. The construction will start in about two weeks. Y'all will be my listed special guests."

"Does that mean you'll treat us for free every time? If so, then I'm in. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, all at your place."

"I'm gonna charge you double the price then, sweetie. You are welcome to come over anytime." Aranya teased her back, "And what about you, Renee? What are your plans?"

"I don't know. You know about mom's health conditions. She has gotten better now, but I still have to look after her. I am taking some courses, for now, will think about what to do next later."

"And you, Y/N? How have you been doing? Tell us about your job. We got to know nothing about you yet."

"Uh, it's nothing much. A manager associate post for idols in an entertainment company."

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