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Alfred glanced around and his eyes landed on a group of human boys laughing mockingly as they kicked at a Little Alfred, who was curled up and valiantly trying to defend himself. Alfred sucked in a pained breath as he realized what was happening. 

Since Arthur was gone for such long stretches of time he had decided to explore the nearby towns hoping to make a friend, but not all of the kids he spoke to were very nice to him. He was the weirdo living in the woods after all that gave them a free pass to pick on him and since he never wanted to hurt anyone with his super strength he had just let them beat him up. 

"Aw is the little freak sad?" One of the boys taunted as he landed a good kick to Little Alfred's back, he just winced and curled up further with tears streaming down his face. 

He never responded to their taunts so they tended to get bored of him quickly, this wasn't one of those times. 

"Is it because the little freaks daddy doesn't love him?" Another boy mocked as he gripped Little Alfred's hair and pulled his face closer to his. A scowl appeared on Little Alfred's face before he spits into the other boys face. 

Alfred winced as he watched the outraged expression appear on the other boy's face before he slammed his face into the ground. 

"What is going on here?" A stern voice stated and all of the boys looked up including Little Alfred who smiled when he saw Arthur storming over. The other boys quickly scattered at the sight of an adult while Little Alfred struggled to sit up. 

"Daddy your back!" He said happily as he stared up at the Brit who frowned as he crouched down and examined Little Alfred's wounds. 

Alfred couldn't help but allow a small smile to appear on his face as he saw the concern in Arthur's eyes. 

Arthur shook his head as he helped Little Alfred stand back up. 

"You are a Country Alfred you can't let mortals treat you like this" He said sternly as he began leading Little Alfred back home, all he could do was lower his head in shame. 

"I'm sorry Daddy, I just didn't want to hurt anyone" He said softly and Arthur let out a tired sigh. 

Alfred blinked in surprise when he saw the soft expression appear on Arthur's face. 

"I understand Alfred" He said in understand and Little Alfred looked up with a smile on his face. 

"Maybe it would be better if you stayed in the Manor from now on" Arthur continued which earned him a frown from Little Alfred. 

Alfred also frowned while it was true some kids could be really mean he was friends with a few of them. 

"But-" He began only to cut himself off the Arthur shook his head. 

"But nothing Alfred, I'm just trying to look out for you" He said sternly and Little Alfred lowered his head sadly. 

"Okay Daddy" He mumbled softly. 

Alfred let out a tiny frustrated sigh, he never got to see any of the kids in the town again, they all grew up and forgot about him and by the time he got to go into the town again they had already passed away. 

They made their way to the Manor and one of the maids was anxiously waiting outside for them. 

A smile appeared on his face as he recognized the women. 

"Gwendolyn, can you take care of Alfred for me?" Arthur requested as they approached the women who just smiled and nodded. 

"Of course Sir" She said with a small bow before she gentle took Alfred's hand and lead him away. 

"So what happened this time dear? Was it those mean boys again" She asked and Little Alfred sighed sadly as he nodded. She frowned sadly down at him as she lead him into his room and pulled out a medical kit. 

Alfred watched on fondly as he watched Gwen take care of him, she had been like a mom to him. 

"Daddy doesn't want me to go into town anymore, I won't get to see any of my friends now" He said sadly and Gwendolyn frowned sadly at him.  

"Don't worry Alfred, you've still got me" She said comfortingly which earned her a bright grin from Little Alfred. 

"That's true!" He said cheerfully as he pulled her into a hug, she just chuckled as she returned the hug. 

"Thank you" He mumbled softly as he buried his face into her shoulder, she just smiled softly as she gently ran her fingers through his hair. 

"Your welcome Alfred" She said warmly as she held him just a tiny bit tighter as if she was trying to protect him from all of the world's hardships. 

Alfred smiled fondly at the sight before he was once again in the hall of doors, Gwen had stayed by his side as long as she could and when she did pass on he was by her side till she closed her eyes for the very last time. She had meant the world to him and he didn't want her to pass away with no one there since she didn't have any family that was still alive. 

He picked up his necklace and pushed the dog tags to the side so that he could stare at the small ring that was hanging there, she had given it to him so that he could always remember her. He had made it a point to keep it close to his heart ever since she passed away. 

With a smile still on his face he entered the next door, the first thing he registered was the sound of running water and his own humming. 

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