Talks Between Italians

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After storming out of the meeting room Feliciano continued to drag Lovino along until they came upon an empty meeting room. After making sure that no one had followed them, Felciano dragged his brother in and locked the door behind them. Felicinao took a deep breath before turning to look at his brother who had already taken a seat at the table. 

"You sure went off on him" Lovino said in amusement as he wiped the tears from his face, Felician huffed slightly before sitting down across from him. 

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true" He said offhandedly causing Lovino to snort in amusement, before a frown appeared in his face. 

"Did you really mean what you said back there?" Lovino asked softly causing Feliciano to raise his eyebrow in confusion. 

"Your going to have to be more specific Lovi" He said teasingly only to sober up when he noticed the serious expression on Lovino's face. 

"About Antonio not deserving my love" He whispered softly causing Feliciano to frown sadly before he pulled his brother into a half hug as he sighed. 

"Kind of" He said which caused Lovino to give him a confused expression. 

"What I meant was as he stands now he doesn't" He explained which caused a curious expression to appear on Lovino's face. 

"Someone who has hurt you as much as he did, unintentionally or not, should be made aware of what he did. And if he genuinely tries to make up for it then he will be worthy of your heart if not then it's better to let him go now before he can hurt you further with his ignorance" Feliciano explained causing a thoughtful expression to appear on Lovino's face before he nodded in understanding. 

"Your right" Lovino whispered softly before subconsciously snuggling further into his brothers arms which made the other Italian smile largely. They stayed like that for a couple more minutes before Feliciano gently nudged Lovino's shoulder causing the older man to look up at him. 

"You ready to go back now?" He asked softly which caused Lovino to hesitate while a worried expression appeared on his face before he took a deep breath.  

"You'll stay by my side?" He asked worriedly causing a soft smile to appear on Feliciano's face. 

"Always" He said causing a smile to appear on Lovino's face before the two Italian's walked out of the room together. 

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