Roderich Is A Dead Man Walking

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Roderich slumped slightly in his seat as he watched Elizabeta pace back and forth in front of him. The Hungarian had a venomous glare on her face which kept Roderich from speaking up. Elizabeta let out a frustrated sigh before she took a seat in front of Roderich. 

"I've always known all you wanted in a relationship was sex but I honestly thought you actually loved Gilbert" She said before she started chuckling to herself, which greatly freaked Roderich out. 

"I guess I was wrong" She said with a humorless grin on her face. 

"Elizabeta listen..." Roderich began only to trail off when Elizabeta raised her hand to silence him. Once he shut up she gave him another venomous glare. 

"No Roderich you listen to me" She said viciously and all Roderich could do was nod meekly. 

"You are a self centered asshole who apparently get's off on breaking emotional people's heart" She said simply causing Roderich to flush red in anger, but before he could interject Elizabeta continued. 

"And don't even try and deny it Roderich. First you hurt me, then Antonio, now Gilbert. Who's next? What innocent person are you going to trick into a relationship just so you can break their heart? Will it be Vash or maybe Alfred? Don't think I haven't noticed the way you've been starring at him lately and I'm not the only one" She hissed venomously causing Roderich to flinch almost violently at the accusation. He lowered his head and refused to look her in the eyes, which caused to sniff in disdain. 

"Congratulations Roderich, on fucking up another relationship" She sneered before turning on her heel and heading for the door. She paused briefly in the door way before she turned to face him again. 

"I suggest you go find an old office room to sleep in cause I highly doubt Gilbert and Ludwig are going to let you back into the room" She commented before leaving the room without giving Roderich a second glance. 

As she was turning the corner she caught a brief glimpse of Gilbert, Alfred, Lovino and Matthew slipping into one of the bedrooms and she couldn't help to smile when she saw the wide grins on all four boys faces. She was relived to know that at least Gilbert wasn't off somewhere on his own crying over the stupid Austrian. 


Roderich let out a tired sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair, he was completely drained and he didn't want to think any further about what Elizabeta said. So what if he wanted sex? It's a basic human function and he shouldn't be at fault for expecting his lovers to give him it. He let out a frustrated sigh as he stood up and left the meeting room. 

But as he was walking down the halls he suddenly felt a crushing grip on his shoulder. He let out a pained grunt before he turned around to face who ever it was. He was expecting Ludwig or maybe even Elizabeta again, what he wasn't expecting however was to see the glaring eyes of Feliciano and Antonio. 

"Feliciano, Antonio what do you want?" He questioned only for Antonio to punch him in the jaw. He staggered back and before he could regain his footing Antonio grabbed his shirt collar and pushed him into the wall. 

"I was breaking mine and Eliza's heart not good enough for you, huh Roderich? Is your desire to ruin a person so strong that you had to destroy someone who done nothing but devote themselves to you?" He asked rhetorically before shoving Roderich away so that he could curse at him in Spanish as Feliciano took over. 

The Italian gave Roderich a murderous look before he grabbed him by his shirt collar and pressed a knife to his throat, causing the Austrian to pale drastically. 

"If you ever even think about hurting Gilbert again I can guarantee that you will never see the sun again, capisce?" He growled and all Roderich could do was frantically nod in understanding. A humorless grin appeared on Feliciano's face as he let go of Roderich's collar and slipped his knife back into his boot. 

"Good, glad we got that settled" He said in a fake cheery tone of voice before he turned to face the still curing Spaniard. 

"Come on Antonio let's not waste anymore time here" He said before leading Antonio away, said Spaniard turned around to give Roderich one final glare before turning back around and following after Feliciano. 

Roderich took in a deep shuddering breath as he slowly sunk to the floor. He was so dead, he was so fucking dead. He might as well be a dead man walking.


So recently I've been torn on whether or not I should have Gilbert and Roderich make up and stay to together or if I should have them split up for good and have Gilbert end up with someone else. And so I decided to leave that up to you guys, so vote in the comments if you want AusPrus to sail or to sink. 

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