Funny And Cute Entries

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When the two Italians returned to the meeting room they noticed that the book hadn't been touched since they left. Once Ludwig noticed their confused expression's he decided to explain. 

"We decided to wait until you returned in case one of your entries showed up"He explained gaining to nods in understanding before the two men went to sit down. As soon as they were seated Alfred leaned over to talk with them. 

"Dudes you should have seen the way that Gilbert went off on Antonio after you left, it was kinda scary actually" He said which caused both Italians to glance at said Prussian who was talking softly with Roderich, their eyes then trialed over to look at Antonio who was staring down at his hands with a frown on his face. They then returned to the front but then Alfred leaned even closer to Lovino. 

"You okay?" He asked softly and Lovino's nodded causing a relieved look to appear on Alfred's face before returned his own attention back to the front. 

When Elizbeta noticed that Roderich wasn't going to end his conversation with Gilbert any time soon she rolled her eyes before picking up the book so that she could read. When she saw what the entry was she bit her lip to stop her self from laughing. 

Dear Diary,

I hope Korea Gangnam Styles off a cliff. - China

After everyone burst out laughing while Yong Soo cried out in shock. Elizabeta smiled before glancing at the next entry only to coo silently at what she saw. 

America has a dog. A golden retriever, to be exact. He loves his dog dearly, and takes him where ever dogs are allowed. Though he's been ratted out for taking him where dogs aren't allowed, too. Also, he set's doggie dates with Japan, so he play with Pochi while Alfred and Kiku talk. 

Quite a few nations cooed at this which caused the poor American to blush scarlet. Once she was done cooing Elizabeta smiled softly at the next entry. \

For almost five years after WWII, Matthew called Francis weekly to make sure that he was healing and recovering properly. 

"Thank you again for doing that Matthieu" Francis said softly while he smiled at the Canadian who returned the smile. 

"May I read now?" Aurel asked sweetly which caused both Elizabeta and Vlad to look at him before Vlad turned to glare at her as if daring her to deny his little brother his request. Elizabeta glared at Vlad briefly before handing Aurel the book causing the boy to smile wildly. 

"Thank you miss Elizabeta" He said sweetly before he read the next entry. 

Dear Diary, 

Kiku beat me in Chinese checkers today. I will beat him next time tough. BECAUSE I AM CHINA!!!! - China

Everyone started laughing uncontrollably while Yao blushed in embarrassment. Though to everyone's surprise the person laughing the hardest was Kiku. Aurel giggled some more when he noticed what the next entry was. 

Dear Diary, 

PANDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - China

Everyone laughter doubled in intensity until Yao slapped his hands down onto the table. 

"I think now;s a good time to stop for the day~Aru!!" He shouted before running out of the room. Once everyone had calmed down they followed suite at a much more relaxed pace. 

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