Self Esteem Issues Brought To Light

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The next day as everyone was filling into the meeting room Lovino was very adamant about not sitting next to Antonio. So adamant that he was willing to sit next to Ludwig, which certainly surprised a few others and also made a certain Spaniard pout. 

"I would like to read today" Roderich said, Ludwig shrugged before handing him the book. As he glanced at the next entry he winced, this would most definitely hurt Lovino. 

Dear Diary,

Today I got Romano from Austria. I'm really excited to take care of him but I don't know how! I'm not sure i'm old enough! I wonder if his little brother will be easier to take care of... Romano won't mind right? He doesn't even like me... Maybe Austria wants to trade Romano for Italy. - Spain

Lovino stubbornly looked away from everyone else so that no one would see his tears, he had already known that Antonio had tried to trade him for his brother but just hearing about it all over again hurt so much. 

Antonio was about to get up so that he could comfort Lovino when Roderich read the next entry. 

Romano started having self esteem problems when Spain tried to trade him in for Feli. Now he distances himself from everyone because he's afraid that they too will eventually choose his brother over him. 

Antonio froze in his seat as a horrified expression appeared on his face, he was to blame for Lovino having such low self esteem? How could he have been so cruel?

Feliciano pounced from his seat and over to his brother so that he could pull the crying man into a tight hug, he wished above all else that he could take his brothers pain away. 

"Lovi..." Antonio whispered brokenly as he finally got up to approach the Italian only to freeze when Feliciano whipped around to give him the darkest glares he had ever seen in his entire life.

"Don't you see you've hurt him enough" He growled viciously surprising everyone especially Antonio. 

"But I-" He tried to say only to be cut off by Feliciano. 

"No you don't get to apologize, the pain you've caused can never be undone" He barked out before helping his brother out and storming out of the room with him. Before they left however he gave Antonio one last glare and said,

"You don't deserve his love" 

With those words said the two Italians walked right out of the meeting room, leaving behind a shell shocked group of nations and a crying Spaniard. 

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