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Sorry for the wait, this was supposed to be posted last Friday but a bunch of stuff happened and it ended up being pushed back. First, my internet was done and then I had family over so I never got a chance to write this up. But it's finally here!


How long does it take me to make a chapter? - It actually doesn't take to long once I have inspiration, I'd say about half an hour depending on the length of the chapter. However, if I don't have any inspiration it could take days to write a single chapter. 

Where did my inspiration for this story come from? - I had seen and read quite a few stories were the countries read their diary entries and I kinda wanted to do the same. At first, however, all attempts I made didn't go anywhere and I got frustrated so for a time I scrapped the idea. But then one day as I was scrolling through google looking for images for another story I stumbled across a few diary entries that I really liked and it re-sparked the flame. This time I wrote down all of the entries or statements I wanted to use and went from there. 

What's my favourite character(s) storyline that I have in the story - I would have to pick America's, his was the one I wanted to do before I even started writing the story. The other's just appeared naturally as I wrote. 

What's my favourite funny diary entry - Dear Diary, Why do people suck so much? - Romano 

How do I balance writing a story and real life responsibilities? - It's not always the easiest thing, I have a lot of trouble dealing with real life that I tend to shut myself in my room and either focus on my writing or my reading. I'm really not the most balanced of people. 

Am I inspired by anyone in particular? - Two of my biggest inspirations for writing are my two favourite authours, Rick Riordan and John Flanagan. As well as my grade 9 and 10 English teacher, whose name I can't spell, she was also a huge influence for me. 

Does anyone especially encourage me to keep writing? - My family have all stated their support but I don't know how much they encourage it, I mean my dad let me get a writing inspired tattoo so I guess there's that. And my friends have said they supported me but sometimes it seems like they just want me to write stuff for them. 

How did I get where I am in terms of writing? - Persistence, even when I got frustrated I just kept working towards my goal. I started with script writing and through trial and error learned proper dialogue writing and before I knew it I was writing real stories. 

How did I get into the Hetalia fandom? - To be honest, I don't really remember, I think I saw a clip or something and decided to give it a look and before I knew it I fell in love with the characters.

Who are my favourite and least favourite characters to write? - My favourite character to write is America and I don't really know who my least favourite is, I guess the characters who don't express as much emotion as the others like Japan and Norway. 

What motivates me? - This is a bit tricky because I don't really know, I write because I love it and I enjoy making others happy when they read my work. I guess the best answer I can give is that making others happy is what motivates me. 

What got me into writing? - Writing has always been an odd mix of an escape and a passion. I needed an escape from my awful life and writing kinda fell into my lap and I loved it, so even though I no longer need that escape I continue to do it. 

The Secrets Hidden Within The Dairies Of The NationsWhere stories live. Discover now