The Beginning Of The Memories

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~Last Time~

His shoulders tensed up when he heard foot steps approaching, he whirled around as someone entered the room and he froze as he locked eyes with a pair of green eyes that looked right through him as if he wasn't even there.   

Alfred's heart beaten quickened as he watched a significantly younger Arthur glance around the room with a searching look on his face. 

"Arthur? What's going on?" He questioned as he reached an arm out towards the Brit only for it to go right through him. He stumbled back in shock as his breathing began to pick up, what in the world was going on? 

"Where are you hiding you little wanker" Arthur grumbled to himself angrily as he continued to search the room. 

This snapped Alfred back to reality, he took a couple of deep breaths to calm his growing panic before he began to watch Arthur more intently, maybe this would give him some answers as to where he was. 

He watched as the Brit searched the room which forced him to look as well, this only caused his heart to ache as he recognized his old childhood bedroom. Spirits it had been a very long time since he had last seen it. 

"There you are!" Arthur shouted triumphantly as he dragged a very young Alfred out of the closet forcefully by the arm. 

And as if a fog had been lifted Alfred immediately knew what he was seeing.

"No, no, no, no" He mumbled to himself as he watched Arthur drag his younger self out of the room. He quickly followed suite. 

"Stop! Your hurting me!" Little Alfred yelled as he tried to rip his arm out of the Brit's grasp, but it was fruitless. 

Alfred winced as he felt a phantom pain on his arm. 

Arthur dragged little Alfred into a room where a very snobbish aristocratic man was sitting with a scowl on his face, his shirt was stained with tea. 

"You will apologize to my guest immediately!" Arthur snapped as he pushed little Alfred forward. Little Alfred glared at the snobbish man before turning to glare at Arthur, there was a fire in his eyes that mean't trouble. 

"No don't, just apologize" Alfred mumbled to his younger self as if that would somehow change what was about to happen. 

"I will not! He insulted my people!" Little Alfred shouted defiantly causing a furious look to appear on Arthur's face as he reached over and gripped little Alfred's shoulder tightly. 

Alfred winced again and rubbed at his shoulder.

"They're not your people, they are mine! And you will do well to remember that" Arthur hissed venomously. 

Alfred bit his lip harshly at this, that was not the first nor the last time he had heard that. 

He then turned his attention to the other man. 

"You must excuse him, his manners seem to have escaped him" Arthur said apologetically causing the man to sniff in disdain. 

"It is of no matter Arthur, I didn't except the savage to behave any differently" He said dismissively. 

Alfred clenched his fist angrily, he thought he had become numb to that specific insult long ago  but it still seemed to effect him even after so many years had passed. 

Little Alfred growled and tried to pounce at the man but Arthur still had a tight grip on him. The Brit gave him a viscous glare. 

"You will go to your room and stay there until I come to speak to you about your punishment" He growled before pushing the boy away. He stumbled slightly before giving the two men one more glare before he ran off towards his room. 

Alfred shuddered as he remembered his punishment. Suddenly his surroundings began to fade and before he knew it he was once again in front of the door but now it was faded out. He quickly backed away and stared at the other doors. 

He had an idea as to what was going on but he hoped he was wrong. He very slowly approached the next none faded out door and took a very deep breath to calm his racing heart beat as he placed his hand on the handle. 

"Please let me be wrong" He mumbled to himself as he pushed the door opened and walked through. The first thing he registered once he had walked through was something that made his stomach drop instantly. 

The scent of smoke and the sound of screaming. 

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