It Seemed Like Any Other Day

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All that met him as he entered the memory was silence. 

Alfred glanced around, it looked like he was back at the meeting building but it was slightly different, he quickly saw himself walking down the hallway with a faint smile on his face. He tilted his head curiously as he followed himself as he tried to figure out what meeting he was heading to. 

"Hey, Alfred wait up!" A voice called out and both version's of Alfred turned to face the person and saw Gilbert jog up to him. 

"Hye Gil" Alfred said cheerfully as the two of them headed for to the meeting room. 

"Are you doing anything after the meeting?" He asked and Alfred tilted his head thoughtfully before shaking it. 

"No, I don't think so I'll probably just take Hero for a walk or something" He said simply as he shrugged his shoulders and Gilbert hummed in slightly. 

"Do you mind if I spend the night?" He asked and Alfred shot him a concerned look. 

"Did you and Roderich have another fight?" He asked worriedly and Gilbert just grimaced slightly which was answer enough for Alfred who stopped walking and placed a gentle hand on the Prussian's shoulder. 

"Of course you can spend the night Gil" He said softly earning him a bright grin from Gilbert. 

"Thanks, Alfie" He said cheerfully and Alfred returned his grin before they continued heading towards the meeting room. 

Alfred huffed slightly as he continued to follow the duo, he's had so many conversations like this with Gilbert that he couldn't figure out what was going to happen next. As he followed them they met up with Matthew and everything seemed so normal that it was making Alfred suspicious, something had to happen or else he wouldn't be shown this. 

He followed them into the meeting room and everything still seemed fine it was just like any other meeting, Alfred was starting to become paranoid as he stalked the meeting room trying to find a clue as to why he was seeing this memory. There's no way it was just going to be something so mundane, right? 

He finally gave up and stopped behind himself which is when he noticed the uncomfortable look on his face as he shifted in place and started rubbing at his chest. 

"Alfred? Are you alright?" Francis asked worriedly as he placed a gentle hand on the American's shoulder who just gave him a bright grin. 

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit of chest pain" He said dismissively and Francis nodded in understanding before refocusing on the meeting, or more accurately pestering Arthur. As soon as Francis turned away the uncomfortable expression returned to Alfred's face as he continued to rub at his chest. 

Alfred racked his brain trying to remember when he had last gotten chest pains during a meeting but unfortunately this was also pretty common so many things happened in his country every day that the occasional pain here and there wasn't uncommon. 

Alfred hunched forward slightly as he rubbed at his head, his eyes squinting as he tried to figure out what was wrong. 

"Alfred are you paying attention?!" Ludwig snapped impatiently and Alfred quickly sat up and gave him a sheepish smile. 

"Sorry, Ludwig I was just-" He began only to cut himself off as his eyes widened tenfold and he coughed up a large amount of blood onto the meeting table earning him startled yelps from everyone. 

Alfred's eyes widened fearfully as he placed a hand over his chest were two identical scars laid. 

"No" He whispered as he watched Francis and Matthew carefully lay him down onto the ground but kept his back propped up so that he wouldn't choke on the blood that he continued to cough up. 

"Quickly find out what is happening in America!" Arthur ordered urgently as he crouched down next to Alfred worriedly. Eduard quickly opened his laptop and began typing at an extremely fast-pace. A horrified expression appeared on his face as he glanced back up. 

"A plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center!" He exclaimed in alarm and everyone's eyes snapped to Alfred who was writhing in agony, blood began to seep through his shirt. Matthew not knowing what to do took Alfred's jacket off so that it wouldn't get ruined. 

"Move aside" Yao ordered as he crouched down and began unbuttoning the American's shirt to that he could assess the damage. Francis, Arthur, and Matthew frowned but moved away slightly to give Yao more room. Just as Yao got his shirt off Alfred let out an agonizing scream as a new wound carved itself into his chest. 

"The South Tower was just hit!" Eduard cried out and a chill ran down everyone's spine at the realization that this was no accident sank in. 

Yao shook his head as he focused on dressing Alfred's wound, he used the American's ruined shirt to wrap the wound as he tried to block out the heartbreaking sobs that were escaping from said American's lips. 

Alfred collapsed to his knees as he watched the memory start speeding up, everything after this point had been blocked out by the agonizing pain he had felt. A pain that had only gotten worse when the towers had collapsed, that had made him blackout as it got too much for him to handle. 

He pulled his shirt back slightly to stare down at the identical scars on his chest, scars that would never fade, as tears blurred his vision. 

He had been crippled by pain for weeks following this day and he had been unable to help his citizens. That had only made the pain somehow worse. 

"I'm sorry" He whispered brokenly as he wrapped his arms around himself as if that would block out the horrible memory, he barely noticed when he reappeared in the room of doors. 

He took in a bunch of deep breaths as he rubbed at his chest to ease the phantom pains. Eventually, he was able to pull himself to his feet as he made his way to the next door, he wanted this all to end now but there was still a few more doors to go through. 

The first thing he noticed was laughter, but this laughter was anything but kind. 

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