Discussions Between A Prussian And A Canadian

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Gilbert had a very restless sleep so it was only a matter of time before he woke of for good. He sighed tiredly as he ran his fingers through his before glancing over at Alfred, the American was all curled up on himself and sleeping soundly. Gilbert smiled softly at the scene before his eyes trailed away to look at the night stand, another sigh escaped him before he stood up. 

He needed to speak with Matthew, and he needed to do it now before Alfred woke up. He slowly got up out of the bed and quickly got dressed before he grabbed the folder of photos and slipped out of the room. Once he was out of the room he instantly started heading towards the cafeteria, figuring that that would be his best bet at finding Matthew. 

As soon as he entered the cafeteria his eyes instantly landed on Matthew, the Canadian was chatting away happily with Abel while the two of them ate their breakfast together. Gilbert quickly made his way towards the duo. 

When Matthew noticed Gilbert he gave the Prussian a smile, however as soon as he spotted the folder in the Prussian's his hand his smile was instantly replaced by a worried/nervous expression. 

"Matthew we need to talk" Gilbert said seriously which only increased the Canadian's worry. He glanced briefly at Abel before following the Prussian out of the room. They entered an old office room and sat down. Gilbert placed the folder down on the table and Matthew had to restrain himself from just snatching it up and running. 

"Where did you find this?" He asked, breaking the silence causing Gilbert to give him a very unimpressed look. 

"On the floor, since we moved the beds the other night there was nothing left covering it anymore" He said and Matthew mentally cursed at this, he had completely forgotten about the beds being moved. 

"You know there was a specific picture in there that really upset Alfred" Gilbert said causing Matthew to wince slightly, he had a pretty good idea which picture it was.

"Which one?" He asked hesitantly and Gilbert simply opened up the folder and pulled out an old painting that Matthew instantly recognized and it only made him wince even more. 

"You should have heard him last night Matthew. He was screaming and sobbing, he blames himself for your mothers death" Gilbert said causing Matthew to frown sadly, this was exactly why he never showed Alfred the painting he didn't want his little brother to become so distressed over a single painting. 

"I'm not going to ask why you kept this a secret from him because it's not my place, but I do want to warn you that Alfred's going to be very upset with you because of this" Gilbert explained as he stood and all Matthew could do was nod. 

"Your my friend Matthew, but I care an awful lot for Alfred so figure this shit out. Because if it comes down to it and I have to pick a side, I'm choosing Alfred" He said seriously before walking out the door. 

Matthew side tiredly as he reached over and picked up the folder and slipped the painting back inside of it before he glanced around the room, he needed a place to hide this. He finally spotted an old filing cabinet and decided to hide it there. Once that was done he slipped out of the office room and quickly made his way towards the meeting room, hopefully he would be able to avoid talking with Alfred until later.


So I have been tossing this idea around in my head for a while decided I wanted to know what your guys opinion on the matter was. I was thinking of doing a side story to this one were the ancient nations are basically watching their children reading the book as well as what goes imbetween, there would be scenes that aren't in this story added in as well as some interaction between the ancient nations. Of course it will only be the one i'm familiar with like ancient Rome, ancient Greece and so on. So what do you guys think of the idea? Is it something you would like to see or not?

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