The Guilt Of A Brit

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Everyone shuffled into the meeting room without delay, except Arthur who was still frustrated. As Gilbert sat down he made a move to grab the book only for it to be snatched away by, of all people, Matthew who just have the Prussian a cheeky grin before he started reading much to everyone's amusement. 

America can do a perfect British accent because, a long time ago, that's exactly the kind of accent he had. 

As soon as Matthew finished the entry everyone started pestering Alfred to show them his accent, to which Alfred just shook his head with a bright blush taking over his face. He gave Matthew a pleading look to continue, and while Matthew thought about letting this continue he instead decided to be merciful for once. 

Arthur stared down at his hands as he remembered Alfred's accent, God above it had been such a long time since he had heard it and he highly doubted he would ever hear it again. He shook his head to clear it so that he could focus on Matthew as he read the next entry. 

Dear Diary,

The other countries think I'm so strange for granting independence to all my micro nations... they don't realize how lonely it was down here, until they showed up. I'd do a lot more more for my bright, magnificent kids. - Australia 

A large grin appeared on his face as he reached over and pulled one of his micro nations into a tight hug, said micro nation just so happened to be Wendy who let out a shriek of discomfort though everyone noticed the soft smile that was on the girls lips. 

'He wouldn't be so lonely if you ever bothered to visit him' A traitorous voice whispered in the back of his mind, which Arthur quickly told to shut up but that did little to stop the guilt gnawing on his gut. 

Matthew gave his brother a grin before he glanced down at the next entry only to stiffen up when he saw what it was. Abel, who was sitting next to him, quickly noticed this and glanced down at the entry. His eyes narrowed slightly at what he saw before he looked back up at Matthew with soft eyes. 

"You can do it" He encouraged softly as he took the Canadian's hand into his own, Matthew took a deep calming breath before squeezing his hand back in thanks before he pressed on. 

Dear England, 

Arthur's head snapped up in shock at this while everyone else shared surprised looks. 

Why don't you love me like you love America? Am I not good enough for you? Am I not your son? - Canada

Arthur sucked in a sharp breath in shock as his mind desperately tried to think of something to say to the Canadian, but before he could say anything Matthew started reading again. 

When France first confessed his love for England, England laughed because he thought he was joking. 

Francis let out a sad sigh while Arthur shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Matthew, not wanting his Papa to dwell on the matter any longer, pressed on once again. 

New Zealand has a habit of talking to his sheep when he's lonely. This habit began when England would leave for long periods of time and he would be all on his own. 

Arthur flinched slightly at this, a small part of his mind was telling him wasn't his fault but the rest of him wasn't listening. Jett reached over and pulled Toby into a tight hug causing a smile to appear on the New Zealander's face. Matthew smiled softly at this before he continued.

He is afraid that England will forget him. Sealand actually loves England very much. But is mean and rude to him to get his attention. 

Arthur winced at this especially when he saw that Peter was refusing to look at him. Arthur made a move to speak to him only to be cut off by Matthew reading the next entry, he had a feeling the Canadian did that on purpose. 

There will always be a small part of Seychelles that resents England for taking her away from France. 

Francis gave her a soft smile before pulling her into a hug which she gladly returned. Another wince raked through Arthur and just like last time before he could talk to her Matthew started reading again. 

Outside of the world eye, Hong Kong calls England "Daddy". And will eat his scones and pretend to enjoy them. Outside of the world eye. England calls Hong Kong "my boy". And always has a new stuff panda ready for him. 

Leon went bright red in embarrassment before he buried his face into his hands. Arthur let out a relived sigh as he remembered that at least one of his children didn't hate him. Ludwig, thanking the Ancients that there had finally been a none depressing entry, called for a break and everyone quickly left the meeting room. Everyone except Alfred. Said American was staring at his hands as he remembered a time when Arthur still cared about him enough to call him "Son" and when he used to call the Brit "Daddy". Spirits did he miss those times. 

He sighed before standing up, however before he left his eyes landed on the book. He bit his before approaching it, he wanted to make sure that his "problem" wasn't in there. His hand was inches away from the book when he suddenly heard Matthew calling his name, he quickly withdrew his hand before he quickly went to find his brother. 

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