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The next morning everyone arrived without delay and took their seats, though everyone noticed Antonio speaking softly with Lovino and how Feliciano was giving him a suspicious look. Kiku, who had decided that he was going to read today, groaned silently at what the first entry was. 

Dear Diary,

America-san asked me to say 'election' today... and burst out laughing when I did so... I do not understand what is so funny... someone please explain? - Japan

Everyone laughed at this, none louder then Alfred, while Kiku just sighed in embarrassment before reading the next entry. 

Secretly, Roderich is the kinky one. 

Roderich coughed into his fist in embarrassment while Gilbert blushed scarlet, of course Alfred couldn't resist teasing him along side Matthias, Francis and even Antonio. When Gilbert started whining Kiku decided now was a good time to continue reading. If he had bothered to read over the entry in advance he would know that he was about to embarrass the other German brother. 

Dear Diary, 

I slick my hair back for three reasons: it makes me who I am, I look like Sweden otherwise, and it covers the bit of my hair that if touched turns me on like there is no tomorrow. - Germany 

It was Ludwig's turn now to blush scarlet while Feliciano hugged his arm tightly with a sly smile on his face before he leaned in to whisper in Ludwig's ear. 

"I know were it is~" He whispered teasingly which only made Ludwig blush even more. Kiku smile in amusement at this before reading the next entry. He would come to regret not reading this one over a head of time because it was just going to cause problems for a certain American. 

Alfred loves to bottom... And on top of that, he's a confident bottom as well. He just loves how it feels for someone to be moving inside him. He feels dead sexy when he bottoms. He used to be ashamed of it since there's always been a stereotype associated with which position you take in bed. But then, after talking it through with someone he trusted, Alfred realized he didn't have to care. What position in bed he prefered was no reflection on his person and he ow laughs at people who continue to think that way about him and others. 

Alfred blushed scarlet and shifted uncomfortably in his seat, sure he was confident about his position that didn't mean he wanted to tell the whole god damn world about it. Instead of being hit with insults he was met with acceptance quite a few nations actually told him how proud they were of him, which did wonders for his self esteem, this all unfortunately went crashing down when Arthur made a single comment. 

"I always knew that the frogs influence would cause one of my children to become a whore" He said dismissively which caused both Francis and Alfred to flinch almost violently at the accusation. 

"You don't really mean that do you Angleterre?" Francis asked worriedly which caused Arthur to huff in disgust. 

"Of course I do" He said which caused a silence to fall over the room which was broken by the sound of a chair being pushed back, everyone glanced up at Alfred who was staring at Arthur with an unreadable expression on his face. Everyone expected him to either shout at Arthur or maybe even burst into tears but instead he simply nodded at the man before walking right out of the room. As soon as Alfred was gone Francis whirled around in his seat to glare at Arthur which startled the man greatly. 

"How could you be so cruel to your own child?" He questioned harshly and before Arthur could even attempt to defend himself Francis slapped him across the face before storming out of the room after Alfred. Matthew shot Arthur a glare as well before following after his papa and brother, leaving behind a very stunned British man. 

"I think now's a good time to stop for lunch" Ludwig said while giving Arthur a disaproving look before he and the rest of nations left the meeting room. And all Arthur could do was gape at their retreating forms. 

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