She just had to be so difficult. He thought. He had to try another route.
"Haven't you heard what they say about good sex putting men to sleep? That's how good it was." He kissed her neck and stroked her cheek, hoping it would change her mood. There was no hair to stroke, all of it was packed in a puff above her head. Not like it could even touch her face anyway. It was too bushy and stiff.

"Like this is the first time we've had sex."

"Jeez, I'm sorry okay. What do you want me to do?"

She sighed, but turned and faced him.

"I don't want to fight with you. I just want you to listen to me when I talk, okay?"

"I promise." He said and she smiled. Whew. That went easier than he thought.

They talked about other things, like her exams and mood swings. She'd planned to tell him about her daddy issues but changed her mind. She didn't feel like bringing him in anymore. Something about their discussion probably caused it.

She held unto him as she fell asleep. This was the life. The closest she'd ever been with anyone else. She was with someone who didn't judge her or wanted to change how she was. She was in love with him.

"Oma." He called. His voice was so sultry.

"Yes babe?"

"Have you ever thought of straightening your hair? Like a perm?"


It was Tuesday morning. She'd woken up late but it didn't bother her because she was sure there would be no classes that day.

As Asher drove her to class, she had one thing in mind. She had to apologise to Obi and make sure they were in good terms. She had to be sure he wasn't secretly holding a grudge against her and using Nathi to cover up.

"I'll pick you up when you're done?" Asher said when she came down from his car. He'd asked it as a question but it wasn't.
"I'll call you. Bye." He winked at her and drove off.

This is it. She said to herself.

Unfortunately, he wasn't there. She found an empty seat anyway in the rowdy class. She tried to read but the noise was too much. She groaned and wished she'd never come here anyway. After asking around, she realized there was no need to stay there since there were hardly any lectures going on for days.

She called his phone.

"Obi. Where are you?"

"Oh hi. Oma. How are you?" He sounded breathless, like he'd just been running.

"I'm fine. Where are you?" She asked again.

"I'm reading somewhere else. Alley way. The class was too noisy."

"I'm coming right away."

He hesitated.
"Hmm. You don't have to. I'm about to go back to my lodge soon."

"Okay. See you later."


As if. She was going to see him whether he liked it or not. It wasn't like she had anywhere else to go.
Alley way wasn't so far away from where she was. It was a very deserted place people didn't usually hang out because of  where it was located, hence the name. It was a dilapidated building that looked like it would fall in a matter of time. A perfect place to read.

She walked the distance while humming to herself. He was going to get the surprise of his life. Assuming he hadn't already figured out she was coming anyway. But that wasn't the only surprise. She'd gotten him a gift. A HD camera. It'd cost her a lot of money but at least it was one thing Nia was exceptionally good for. The one he had was getting outdated and he didn't seem like he had plans of getting a new one anytime soon. He probably didn't have the money, she knew but he'd never say that. He never acted rich. So, ta-da.
She gazed at the ugly building of alley way and smiled. This place always creeped her out. It resembled a hideout for cultists and rapists.
She was too excited. She was going to give him a gift and not the other way around. So why was she so excited.

She peered into the first room and found no one there. The whole place was creepy but it didn't waver her excitement. She peered into the second and found it empty as well. The rotting wood smell irritated her. She found the fifth room and cringed when she saw two people completely naked, going at it.

She quickly walked away from there but their moans followed her. She kept thinking about them that she didn't even look into the next two rooms. She didn't want to see anything more awkward. She imagined luring Asher out here to do it. The idea sickened her but also turned her on in a weird way. She laughed lightly and wondered what the hell was wrong with her.

A few meters away, she heard smooching sounds. Not another compromising couple! She thought. She wanted to call Obi and ask him where exactly he was, but the camera in her other hand stopped her. It had to be a surprise. She began to walk past the room but curiosity got the better of her. Something about that thrilled her.
She was being voyeuristic, she knew. Just one peak.

The two of them were in a very heated making out section. The girl was in a bra, on top of the boy kissing him like her life depended on it. His hands were everywhere and so were hers.
Oma felt her body vibrating. Her heart was pounding and her legs were threatening to give out. Oh, why had she looked. She would have just called him.

She'd found Obi.
I don't know why i write like this 😣
My sentences are so short and somehow cringey lol.
Well as they say, practice makes perfect.

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